Monday, January 7, 2019

The Ethical

Quotes relating to the Ethical life area

Old news? Old demons.

If you try to see the whole world as in your mirror. Then should everything, you see and experience around you, give you a chance to discover what you have not yet educated you about yourself. Your whole environment can be your teacher, if you just allow it. When you choose to allow, you can avoid the discomfort and conflicts, particularly internal conflicts and uncomfortable situations. Above all, the people that come in your way, and that causes you to react. This also applies to the people you've met throughout your life. Your old demons. They still think of and that makes you get angry, feel small, become defenseless or furious.
If you should see them all as your teachers, what have the people learned?
Do you remember that bully? What do you think about him or her? That they made you feel bad? Is it your truth that this person taught you that you were worth less than you really are, you wouldn't stick out, you were not good enough?
Is it engage you what your parent did that caused you to be careful and not trust your capacity? Is it your truths? Do you focus on how bad they made you feel and the pain they caused? Then, you focus on the things that hold you back, devalues and keeps you in a reduced state. Then it will take time for you to learn who you really are.
How would you feel, if you saw that bully as someone who trained you to be so strong you really are? 
How would you feel, if you saw that critical parent as someone who learned to trust on your own capacity and skills?                  
How would you feel, if you saw that condescending friend as someone who taught you that you were a valuable?         
How would it feel if you think about them now and says, "Thanks for helping me understand that I am valuable." (strong, skilled, patient, loving, love myself, trust me.)
Go through them one by one and thank them for that they showed you what you really are. You've survived, so what if not a belief that you are valuable, skilled or strong has taken you here where you are today. All that you have learned by the people you met, but may not always understand it.
Do the same thing with people you meet today.       A person who irritates you and make you restless. -Thank you for helping me to have patience.      A person who causes you to doubt yourself. -Thank you for helping me to trust my skills.       A person who criticizes you. -Thank you for helping me find out to enjoy more about myself.
It can be easy to get fixed up in an old thought shapes where one give away the energy power by focusing on how others get one to feel. Then it is easy to forget what you learned. If one finds that way out, one will find the strength to rise and grow. But as always, it is a choice to make.           What do you choose?

Thoughts and reflections on the ethical and spiritual development and concept.

The usual belief of "morality" is, people's beliefs about what is right and good. There are beliefs that greatly vary between different cultures and social contexts. Ethics is theoretical and critical study of these differing moral perceptions as well as the moral language. In a try to control morality have communities created religions. Spirituality of the individual is also a support of ethics.

morality? What do you say to yourself?

Simile (quotes);
 Masaru Emoto was a man from Japan who made a little different research on water.  He put the words on the labels on tins holding water. Some of the tins he put labels with word involved of positive words such as peace, love, and joy. On some other labels he wrote negative words such as hatred, war, idiot and sat on the other tins. The water was frozen and then he analyzed the ice crystals under a microscope. Emoto concluded that tins with positively charged words had more developed and more beautiful crystals. The negative effect of the order on the water crystals was the reverse. They had not developed and was less developed in their formation.                        He performed the same experiment with steamed rice which he daily for thirty days said "Idiot" to one tin, and "thank you" to the other. The result was that the rice who told "thank you" every day remained fresh while the others who heard "Idiot" everyday had developed mold.
So, if the written words, spoken words and thoughts create a reaction in water, what does not happen to us as humans?
Emoto's experiments is not accepted by the scientific community, it considers that his tests have ben done during such forms that something cannot be proven. But it is sure interesting if it even is a bit of truth in his results?

Culture of honor

Honor related cultures should not primarily be connected with religion. But of course, it has its context within the ethnic and moral scopes.  Compared to Sweden, as our honorary culture was for 50-75 years ago, is it similar to many countries in the Middle East (some areas can be related with as we had it for 150 years ago). Thanks to today's media attention the issue large today; Women should not go out, dress, have which friends they want any time. The family choose marriage. Men's women's vision is highly outdated if we compare with Western countries; there are of course exceptions.
There needs to be discussion groups, where women and men should share their moral views on honor related cultures. Ideally, these will be anonymous. ... ... The talks should focus only on the ethical and moral order in Sweden, not criticism, then more advisory with simple examples from everyday life.

SOME ETHICAL RULES drawn from different religions and cultures (what is said about gender likeness is confits).
Be always kind to your fellow man.  If you want to be happy, one must also help others, because one's own happiness is dependent on the other. It's not stranger than that.  
In happiness and suffering, in joy and sorrow, we should look at all individuals that we see in ourselves. 
Don´t do unto others what you don't want them to do to you. 
Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and regard your neighbor's loss as your own loss.

What do you say to yourself?
Just think how important your words becomes suddenly. How many times don´t you say "What stupid of me", "I did wrong again", “what I am clumsy "? It is programmed statements that we just think about, but that we program ourselves with more often than we are aware of. Because our body consists of about two-thirds water so maybe it affects us more than we think. What statements do you use today, programming in a way you don't like? If you say that things are difficult, they become more difficult? Can a statement that it is a challenge, make it easier to do? Another choice could be that I have not yet learned? It is many times you tell yourself that you are not enough; I can't, it's too hard, cannot, too much, too loud, too little etc.
Perhaps a more positive attitude to yourself may be to replace what clumsy of me or now I did wrong again to there I thought in a different way, that was an interesting way to do it, as well, now I know that way doesn't work. It may seem a little bit silly but it's because you're not used to hearing such things. You're used to criticize yourself, subconsciously. You affect with your intention, thought and words, how your reality is shaped. Your truth will shape your reality. What do you say to yourself today?

It can be easy to dwell on things over and over again. Things that not make you happy. Things that make you upset, angry or sad. Most of us would not be unhappy. That's why we buy so many things or enable us to become happier. Though it is sporadic kicks, they will work. The effects make us happy until we have to buy even more or do something new in order to keep the positive condition.            To not think about things that make us unhappy, so want we avoid thinking about just that. How well does it work really? If you focus on not to think on a camel, it is just the first thing that comes up in your head.
That who is happen is that you give attention to precisely that which you do not want to give the attention. By focusing at not thinking on a camel, you give attention right to "camel". And that you focus on, you get. The same is of what you don't want in your life. Think, for example, that you should not fail, so is it different scenarios of failure that pops up in your mind. Your thoughts are very good at giving you what you focus on. Especially if it is negative. Therefore, you should turn on your thoughts. Focus on what you want instead. Another option may be to replace the negative thoughts of what you don't want with something else fully. As what to will eat for dinner, what to do this weekend or something else that is more satisfying in the moment. Above all, you should bring out the camel and focus on what you want.
Why not take a little afternoon siesta? Then you will not think and wakes tom and fresh in the mind. Then it is easier to start over and think about what you want. Aren't you tired, so can the option be to sing a song you like or dance a little bit to one of your Favorites. Or what do you prefer to do to lead out your camel?

Are you nasty or do you like yourself?
I've been ironic for as long as I can remember. Irony is great fun once you get to a scathing comment. It is something within that triumphing a little at others' bad luck and misery. I have always believed that I can handle irony focused against me. Sure, a part of me have laughed, but another part has longed for a situation to give back in the same coin.
A few years ago, a friend of mine said that irony is not at all fun, irony is not nice. I thought she was a bit young and naive, stable people handle irony. After a while I realized that she fervently believed what she said. It got me to change opinion. She had, in fact, correct. Irony isn´t nice. It's even bad.
Why was I then ironic (read naughty) in many contexts? I realized that it was a defense in the form of an attack that I used when I was unsure. But most importantly it was enough that I became aware that I was being ironic in the moments that I didn't like myself. Each time I was being ironic or was about to say something ironic, it became a signal to myself to stop and change behavior. I could choose to say anything moderating, forgiving, or lovingly about the person or the situation instead. An unconscious behavior became conscious and I became less and less ironic in calls and meetings with other people. As a bonus, it came also the other things. I began to think better about myself and others. I was more forgiving, at least against others and situations became more pleasant to be in. It was nothing that happened overnight, but over time I learned to choose to be kind, but above all, to think better and better about myself.
Plentiful is that irony brings out laugh, but it's usually not warmly and a unheartily laugh we might as well be without.          
Children don´t understand irony. Are you being ironic in establishment with children those only think that you are evil. If you try to be funny at their expense, it will have the opposite effect.
Are you being sarcastic, and in such case, why?              A simple way to make this world a better place to live in, is to become mindful that irony is not nice. It's nasty. In some context, I still think that the irony is great fun but do not judge myself for it; I just become aware that I am being sarcastic and then make a conscious choice to go back to feel better about myself and others.              This is my truth about irony. What is your?


  1. Do I have a moral or ethical responsibility for how other people have it? Does this responsibility geographical boundaries? Has it national borders? Has it ethnic boundaries?

    Is my ethical attitude building only on what I learned as a kid? Will my ethical positions work acceptable for me today?
    Is truth and honesty priorities of my way to be?

    Contains my ethical positions both "you should" and "you should not"? Do I understand the values that lie behind the rules I follow?

    Do I have fixed standards that I follow with respect for the "moral" issues relating to alcohol, drugs, gambling, sexual-behaving etc? Do I apply my norms consistently? Do I fully understand the principles behind my views?

    Are there any moral, ethical or religious restrictions on my statement? Does I decide what is right or wrong in the light of the current situation?

    Do I think that society overall is good? More now than fifty years ago? Is it progressively going better? Follow the cycles with highs and lows, but remain essentially unchanged?

    Do I feel morally responsible to use the talents and capacities I have? Does I consider my actions in life from the point in which I lived up to that responsibility? Do I have the courage to accept every challenge life offers? Do I need to see a clearer purpose to life?

    Do I believe on luck as a main reason for success?

  2. Step 2. Come to believe that a power greater than ourselves could reproduce mental health.
    Culture 2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority—a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.

    Objective symbols used in subjective aims, also intersubjective (different in different cultures)?

    Consciousness is power-driven by energy that science can be measured. In this energy produces, stores, updates, etc. thoughts. To the term are also included the subconscious and unconscious mind. In the "Western world" uses most of the intersubjective word "God" as an objective symbol for something that is the most important thing in one's life. And this we "think" on with different strengths.

    I have after 20 years of internal amateur research concluded that this faith belongs, first and foremost, the ethical life area. But of course, also the other life areas of MEFFES.

    If you want to develop this, one can say the "soul" is a verb ... ...


    The group's management is under us for our service (such as informers, meeting organizers and controllers). Meetings are informal, paradoxically both conventional and socialist. If there is any power in the context then it is our own energy! And in it there is also an understanding of our economy (profit without money), organization ("up and down the pyramid") and "common sense". In order to describe this power, we compare it with the religious "Higher Power" which gives us the message of love for one another.
    The balance of the group is based on unity, recovery and service with personal responsibility for each one. One focuses on the subject that is built on experiences and mistakes made. One supports each other by avoiding living in history; that you can live with the history and avoid the negative energy!
