Wednesday, June 2, 2021

value realism


The open society are unpatriarchy.

What characterizes the culture in Sweden is an approach that leads to what can be called "moral realism". This means that some values ​​are good and others are bad in themselves objectively. But it is preferable to relativism, where people are grouped into a hierarchy of oppressed and oppressors.

Some value systems are better than others for the well-being of a society.


Sweden's population appears to be secular, rational and self-fulfilling.

The Swede wants to be tolerant and inclusive when it comes to other cultures (self-realization), which means an extreme opposition to the secular and rational values. A common value system is necessary for a society's long-term prosperity and cohesion.

It can be said that the values ​​of liberal democracy, which include the principle of equal rights regardless of gender, skin color, sexual orientation, freedom of thought and expression, etc., are the best "recipe for values", which when implemented in a society leads to a maximizing well-being.



Male guardianship of the women in the family is not on the map! Chastity culture and the ideal of innocence are history in the value system and are not tolerated! Here are just the same rights and obligations for all individuals in society, all with the same legal standard regardless of culture, religious or ethnic background; we have buried all identity politics and completely freed ourselves from collectivist group thinking based on identity. The focus is on individual and individual rights, not the rights of groups. Freedom of religion has been incorporated into the provisions on freedom of opinion and expression.


The elimination of patriarchy can allow men to be a little bit like women too!     (The COVID19 pandemic is demonstrating what we all know: millennia of patriarchy have resulted in a male-dominated world with a male-dominated culture which damages everyone –)


Changing the moral values ​​of individuals, which are important both for the well-being of society and for its cohesion and survival, is the goal.

- "We have our way and the Swedes have theirs"? A divided society divided into us and them is a society with low trust and little willingness to cooperate and becomes even more problematic in a welfare society where people are expected to contribute to the benefit of other members of society.

It is important to have a vision and a goal to gradually move people's attitudes and values ​​towards the Swedish attitude with secular, rational values ​​and towards self-realization.

Ethnic backgrounds do not need to be addressed, but the differences in culture, values ​​and ideas, which can be linked to and from, we can address!

- The open society is based on the equality and freedom of individuals but at the same time maintains a set of values ​​that are considered to be right and that constitute society's moral foundation. People in the open society are involved in dialogue with those who adopt opposing values ​​and try to criticize or change their positions or perhaps sometimes change their own positions.

Yet open society is not a morally relativistic or morally neutral society. Here, everyone is encouraged to adopt a set of fundamental values that some would call humanist or liberal democratic values.