Friday, January 4, 2019

The Economic

Economics is a knowledge sharing of resources in a condition of shortage. With shortage means that available resources are limited in relation to total needs. We must learn to conserve the resources, with that resources that are there.

An economic system is defined (among other things) of means of payment, ownership, and laws. Historically, it can be said, that it ultimately comes to, how different people in different times provided their own and society's basic maintenance needs. The last 1500 years, mankind has, to a large extent, made use of monetary management. The times and the trend changed; economic systems are mixed and evolve! It is more than "money" it is all about; shortage and intoxication feelings contributes highly to the development as well. You can contribute to a positive global economic development, you must always start with yourself!
Providing, employment and work; for many represents the time at work, a large part of one's waking hours. Some see their work as a necessary evil, others see the work as a highly prioritized area of life, either socially or linked to their personal development. What do you (even if you don´t work) value in the field of work, legal issues and developments? Preparations to supply? Preparation for retirement? Meaningful employment? And based on these questions, how can you develop your financial life?

 Are there important issues you should use?  What is to be produced? How should the production go to? For whom should the production be?          

 Cheese......... ”quote”;
I had the privilege of being interviewed by a journalist who told me about his new year's resolution. Cheddar cheese is something she really likes but she did not begrudge her selves too little of it. Said and done she gave herself new years promise to eat more cheddar cheese in the coming years. I was happy when I heard her promise that was the opposite of the usual promises to lose weight, exercise more or eat less. Instead she chose to give her selves more of something that she likes. I usually do not give myself some promises because they create unnecessary stress. Often, of course, promises its origins in something we are not satisfied with in ourselves.

New year is a start of something new, a chance to start in the new track and replace old habits that you don't want anymore. But we have a tendency to put unreasonable demands on ourselves instead of having a realistic ambition. I'm going to lose weight, exercise more or stop smoking are the classic promises that we hear about the new year. They are good in themselves, but are they rarely ok? Is the timing right, is there the motivation and do I want it at all? Perhaps there is something else that is more important in my life right now?
Therefore, I do not give myself promises without setting goals and ambitions that I believe in. Make a plan that I follow. I'm visualizing and manifesting my goals and work with it in me that prevent me from realizing the objectives. What forms and truths, do I have that keeps me back from realizing my goal? Why do I want to realize my goal? Do I want to lose weight in order to feel better about myself? Is it not better to have as a goal to feel more better about myself in this case? To start at the right end. Then it will be easier to lose weight, exercise more, stop smoking, learn something new, try a new experience or make the trip.
Often base our promises on our shortcomings or something that we are not satisfied with. Something in ourselves that we don't want and we give us a promise to be less bad. Therefore, focuses many of new year's resolutions and other resolutions we give ourselves on our shortage.
Have you not clear to you why you really want to give you a promise of something new, so take out your underlying truths. They can help you to get what you really want.
Instead, we make ourselves disappointed again and again by setting goals or give us promises that we never really realize while we focus on what we are not satisfied with in ourselves.
So until then, I think you should treat yourself more of something you feel good at instead. Promise yourself to read that book you been wanting to read. See that movie. Learn to play that instrument, sing in the shower, or even something as simple as you promise yourself to eat more cheese. ... ....

Change the world ... buy and sell?

”Quote”;  Sure it feels good when you have a great service, for example in a shop? You have been given help to find suitable clothing of a truthful and honest person who guided you to the right piece of clothing. You feel special and happy with the situation. You could not buy anything better. You have got to help buy the one that suits you best, and no one has tried to sell something to you that you don't really like or fits in. You have got to be at the Centre.     You've probably been realized several cases where you received help from someone else. It need not always be help over your expectation, it can also be a meeting with someone who wishes you a pleasant day, enjoy your meal or good luck and really mean it.       How often do you show your gratefulness back? I mean not just a habit to "thank you", but a heartfelt "thank you". You might even see the person in the eyes saying "Thanks so much for your help, I really appreciate it" or "thank you, the same".
Sometimes when you get into a shop you just want to be left in peace. To have someone who comes along and wants to help you feel like the last thing you want at that moment. Why is it so? Maybe you don't want attention. Could it be that some of you don't want attention just then? Maybe it's because you don't think you're worth it, which is usually when we are all struggling to become popular. Think about it as a workout to receive attention and feel what it is that slows you. It can also be a person who gives you ' too much ' service in a quest to itself take center stage. Then, it can feel as if the person intrudes on and takes space. Do you have you the will to give that person some attention?
Would you like the staff in the store pay attention for you. Take the initiative and do it first. It gives the “waves on water” and you help to create a world where we see each other more and give each other appreciation.
By paying attention to the other person through a Hello or really show your appreciation when you get help, you will get the other person to feel better about himself. This in turn makes you feel a little better about yourself. A win-win situation for all. Our greatest challenge is to accept who we are and to enjoy ourselves more. With a simple and heartfelt Hello or thank you so we contribute not only to our own development, but also to the people around us grows and it becomes thereby a more fun and better world. It begins at the pay disk at the store or the furniture department at IKEA.
Some parts of the society (which is on the leading edge) develops today (since 20-30 years back) a new economic culture (TQM), whose purpose is to realize new improvements, eliminate hazards, developing a more cost-efficient work and to strengthen the common global economy.


  1. Do I underline my economic development enough in my life? Too much? Too small?
    Is it a problem for me to be reasonable in economic issues? Does it happen that I am tempted to "do that everybody else do"? Am I jealous of my friends for their home, cars or clothing? Am I proud of the material things I put on my family? Do I overestimate myself to add more?
    Do I currently add my family's needs in a satisfactory way? Have I planned on a passably way for the future? Do I have a working budget? Do we keep the budget? Do we adjust it to shifting situations? Does it happens that there will be discussion on how the money will be used in the family? Am I functional of my expenses? Do I have a tendency to impulse buy? Am I usually use my money in the right way?
    Do I take care of my personal finances as well as the economy at the work, in organizations or networks I work in? Do I save and/or invest regularly? Have the savings enlarged gradually during the past ten years? Do I save or invest some part of my salary? Is it a moderately large sum?
    Do I hope that my financial situation will be better, without I'm willing to pay the price? Can I rise the value of my efforts for my business or network I'm working in? Will my earnings in that case be higher, or will my life be richer? Has my income become higher in a satisfactory way? Has my income become higher every year for the last ten years? Do I expect that they will become higher each year over the next ten years? Do I have higher salaries than I deserve? Less than I deserve? Pretty much what I am worth?
    Do I put aside a portion of my income for entertainment and relaxation?
    Do I live in harmony with my resources? Are my expenses in harmony with my earnings? Do I sometimes buy things impulsively? Does it happen that I'm saving up for something I especially would like to buy? Do I lose money by buying extremely much on instalment? Do I have the payment periods and "unnecessary" loans? Could all family members use these? Is there someone in your family that books for most of the budgeted purchases? Is your family's financial accounts up to date?
    Do I know how I'm going to use the current economic system to earn money?
    Do I have suitable insurance? – life insurance, house and home insurance, accident insurance? Gives my insurance protection in case of loss of income? Do I have all the insurance in the same company? Should I have it? Do I have studied all the economic and fiscal consequences for all beneficiaries?
    I have thoroughly studied how other people in my income class manage to use their economic opportunities in the best way? Is there something of value in this?
    Is my credit rating good? Do I pay my bills on time? Does it has great significance? Should I strain myself more to become more trusted? Do I regularly draw up a personal income statement and balance sheet? Would this be useful? Have my net resources enlarged regularly? It is a matter of concern for the whole family that buying is done wisely? Is it one person who takes the biggest responsibility? Would it be wise to change the practice?
    Do I have someone who I consult in insurance issues? Do I have a financial adviser? An investment adviser? Do I have an updated will?
    Would I fix my financial duties if I couldn't make money during a six-month period? Can I prepare for such a situation? If I for some reason would not be able to award the family's finances? Are then any other Member of the family enough informed to be able to take over supply without serious difficulty?

  2. Reason, sense:
    Several attempts have shown that stores can easily get you to buy a relatively expensive product if they show you a comparative model at the same time. That model should be of poorer quality or have fewer features than the primary product. In addition, it must be at least as expensive.
    The comparative model works by making the choice so obvious that the mind's center of mind is circumvented when the decision is to be made. Instead, it takes over the so-called insula - a brain region associated with immediate intuitive decisions.
    Researchers have shown that our decision to buy a product or not depends on whether we get an opinion on the item or the price first.
    The stores can make us buy more by showing us the price first when it comes to everyday products like toothpaste, but the product only when it comes to enjoyment products like chocolate.
    The reason is that the face of toothpaste does not raise any feelings that affect the purchase, while the appearance of chocolate is a joy that causes us to ignore the price.
    Your sense knows better, but you cannot resist. The researchers have discovered that a cookie is significantly more tempting when it is in an almost empty jar than when it is in a jar full of other cookies.
    The explanation is that the scarcity raises a fear of losing the cookie and the feeling often overcomes the obstacles that the sensory center travels. The stores utilize the small weakness of your mind by claiming that they have a limited number of goods.
