Monday, May 27, 2019

Soul difference

When the soul is equal to the subconscious; souldifference

Trying to make my own reflection on the difference in understanding the subconscious of different peoples; (example of a subjective assessment between the Balkans and Scandinavia culture ! ?)
The Serbian people's soul is working to live, unlike the Swedish who lives to work. (Changes are constantly underway depending on how deeply rooted it is)
Living day by day is natural with you, more difficult for us (the people's soul)
Taking it easy is easier for us
Making the most important first (the best for the soul) depends on the positive energy we receive for us
Doing one thing at a time depends on how focused we are
Making it easy is easier for you, more difficult for us
Living is easier for us while letting live is easier for you (discussion?)

Accept what is not changeable, change what can be changed! (A reflection for a deeper dialogue, wishes to have English corrected and translated into Serbian).