Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Life goes on

We can learn to live together with different norms.

The focus should be on the competence for the task we are to perform.

Strong norms, values ​​and religion were the glue that held society together in the past. It worked for most people, when it did not it was about pressure, exclusion, threats or violence!

- In today's society, we can normally leave the relationship when it does not work; separate us, change jobs, leave associations. We have a freedom to say NO! And if it is not to the detriment of society, and you can take your own responsibility, you have the right on your side.

The differences between the extremes of politics are that one side believes that the individual has responsibility and the other side has no responsibility. Most often, their statements are fake to attract as much attention as possible. It is, of course, a moderate balance in reality!


A reflection; We never get rid of the shackles that are attached during our first years of life. It takes a lifetime to explore these shackles, and for some they can loosen some while for others they remain locked.

- It's about inclusion and how to get to diversity. But also about how to recruit based on skills without including gender, age and origin.

Society works best with a great degree of freedom.

Whose norm is right? Forcing someone will not be right. You may be inadvertently opted out, you may not have the right network, the right reference. Even if you have the formal competence, there are uneducated forces that put norms, values ​​and religion before competence.

Life goes on๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’“

See people as people!

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Balance in the emission of feelings

 The interest in different kinds of love is complex for our curious society. Freedom, Love and Happiness are treated differently in poetry, psychology and in practice. The love of society?

Love is a complex confluence of many different emotions, not only one emotion in relationships with different things or people. The love you feel in a relationship is different among people and other things. The program for different individuals and things can be: the relationship, children, parents, good friends, gods, political ideologies and animals. It can also be hatred, sex, food …. (Temporary desires). There are many different forms and many areas of the brain are linked to emission, cognition;

But there is also thought activity, plus a subconscious power that is based on what the individual has for norms, prejudices, culture and to which generation you belong - Love is different!


Extremes should be a great science to research for better understanding.

Do we really understand what others understand, how much do we fake?


We are talking about control areas. You can have the inner control area, which means you feel like you are managing your own life. Or you can have the external control area if you feel that your life is usually controlled by external forces.

In the West, and probably especially in northern Europe, we have mainly the internal control area. We believe that our own choices, and our way of dealing with emotions and situations, are crucial to how we achieve happiness and success or suffer and problem.

The internal control area makes us masters of our own lives and it is a really good basis for an exciting internal and external development.

In the Muslim world, there is generally a very strong area of ​​external control. Here everything is inshallah (if Allah wills) and directed to male authorities.

The lack of freedom and the inability to take control of one's own life leads to personal immaturity and cultural stagnation - and to the world-famous and deeply embarrassing victim mentality: It is always someone else's fault.

The area of ​​control (Locos of Control) is one of the big differences in ideologies; The right believes that the individual has responsibility and the left believes that the individual has no responsibility?

NOTE! This is expressed in general terms. How much we understand we have a hard time understanding!?   We have to research further!

        TOLERANCE ??????????  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ……………

Especially in Western Europe and the USA, being open and tolerant is seen as a positive quality in humans. It gives us the opportunity to exchange views and have an open mind to learn new things. It also allows us to live in harmony with each other, despite political or religious differences.

In Islam, openness and tolerance are a sin.? Here one must keep a distance from non-believers and everything they stand for must be fought.?

There are many examples of Muslim girls and women who have been killed while embracing Western culture and may even have had a boyfriend from another religion. People in different directions of Islam are at war with each other, down to the last comma in the Qur'an.

It is not difficult to imagine what happens when an open and tolerant culture is to exist in the same country as a closed and intolerant culture: the open and tolerant give up and the closed and intolerant will gradually spread. Eventually, it will all be about, and relating to, Islam in one way or another.?!



In the western world, and perhaps especially in Denmark, we see it as a sign of good self-esteem to have the ability to handle criticism without being upset. If the critic is right, we say thank you for the help. If it's wrong, we can continue to be friends anyway. This gives us good opportunities to learn from each other and thereby develop ourselves and our society.

Our long tradition of religious criticism is an example of how we have been free to develop democracy and make scientific progress.

Here the opposite is true in Islam. Islam's conception of honor develops fragile and sensitive personalities who cannot withstand the slightest criticism or defeat.

This is reflected in poorer results in education and an often overblown attitude from young men which aims to scare the environment from seeing them as the insecure people they really are. According to general psychology, what they call "honest" is most of all about low self-esteem.



You can´t help people if you do not want to meet them where they are.

We must recognize that Muslims are different from us; that they think, perceive and communicate differently than we do.

As Sรธren Kierkegaard put it in his text the art of help: "That, when it is important to take a person to a certain place, one must first and foremost make sure to find him where he is, and start there. That is the secret of all auxiliary art. He who does not know this, imagines only when he thinks he can help another.   To really be able to help someone else, I need to know more than him, but first and foremost, I need to understand what he understands. If I do not do that, my compassion will not help him at all”.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Freedom Love Happiness and Society in the word-processor


The clouds have no final doomsday, everything is freedom for them. Floating, they are reached by looseness and do not find their fixed point.

In heaven, they draw their message, which is faded by the rotation of the earth.

Everything seems like a funny game.


The show of love has no words, whispers like the wind in the trees, floats easily over flowering earth, plays in the summer greenery.

No one hears it more than we, you and I, side by side. For it is to us that it sings its song over the earth far and wide.


As true as we have a country of birth, we all inherited it similarly, with the same right and with the same bond for both the poor and the rich. Therefore, we want to vote freely and live safely among shields, but not weighed by merchants as gold on scales.

We struggled together for home and heart, when times of unrest lasted. Not only pride boils down but also the servant of pride. It's a shame, it stains Society's banner, that citizenship is called money.

It is a shame to sit as we have done, to throw stones at our own gate and speak ill of ourselves.

We are tired of bleeding for our own misfortune, of separating heart from head; we want to become a common people, as true as this is drawn.



When happiness met Love on a midsummer day, Love said to Happiness: My sister, I know you are more beautiful and stronger than I am - so help our little brother who is so gloomy. But Happiness just treasured and we were amazed to see how little she understood of the longing and idea and everything that goes alone and cries.



How to find happiness then? - I was sweating and tearing with this simple question far more than anyone knows.

I stopped a friend, a worker and an official and a gentleman who looked like a base for some sect.

I brought my question to everyone communities around… And everyone had a hard time fixing anything.

I wondered: - In love? In honor? - Or gold? Until the intellectual said: About walking without guilt.

- Is there anyone who has walked without guilt on our earth, then she walked without socks and shoes.

And I answered - for the face greeted me and the snail that stuck her foot?

                                     societal change


Saturday, September 4, 2021



It's about SECURITY, my own, my family's and society's common safekeeping. We are all society, and who should be able to feel safe in daily life, in the family, in cultural contexts, at work and in leisure time - yes, at any time.

Society is overrepresented by caring-taken women. And for a more equivalent society, there should be a balance, because it is the strength of mind and heart that applies in today's society. It helps little to put money into the bottom socio-economic jumble; education and social education are needed.

If the caring society, including the home, is an invisible meritocracy, then patriarchy is visible and controls the rest all the more! We have come a long way with balancing in Sweden. And we should be aware of that when migrants think we are naive, gullible and gullible "servants". Maybe it would be an idea to impartially examine how much that statement is true (matriarchy is no better than patriarchy)?

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Insobriety in life.


Happiness comes from your own actions (it is a consequents of what do and how we behave) !

The symptom of “intoxication” can help you get to know the balance of people you meet; it can be Love, Food, Project and Drug intoxication.

Then the consequences of the "intoxication" become a habit that develops negatively. Then, if not sooner, it's time to analyze! Love can turn into a need for control, Uncontrolled eating can turn into obese disease, Projects can turn into violations of power, greed and jealousy. Alcohol is perhaps the one we can learn most from everything it has caused.

Example alcohol intoxication:

     The levels of intoxication can be

1) the thought and longing for happiness and soft feeling.

2) first glass = calm; 0.2 permille, feels the alcohol - becomes relaxed and less self-critical.

3) second to third glass = happiness intoxication phase (target, affected); 0.5 permille, releases inhibitions and reflexes. The judgment and ability to take information deteriorates. Precision deteriorates.

4) fourth glass = drunk (still happy, but the creativity in imbalance, visibly affected); 0.8 permille, the movements become excessive and the coordination worse. Sight is affected.

5) fifth glass = full drunk (gives consequences); At 1 to 2 permille, muscle control deteriorates and speech becomes slurred. At 1, the limit is passed for heavy drunk driving. Emotions are hard to control. Major balance difficulties. Sickness and emotional outbursts.

6) Groggy drunk (completely uncontrolled actions); 2 permille sees the affected double, has difficulty talking and walking upright.

7) Redless drunk (covered!); at 3 permille, the limit goes to unconsciousness and does not perceive what is happening and the risk of alcohol poisoning is great.

- Dependence comes gradually. Co-dependence can also be a kind of intoxication or self-indulgence.     But what about when you started to feel uncomfortable and unhappy with intoxication? It's not just to stop drinking or to be okay? -to stop seeing women as sex objects, -to stop smoking, -to flee one's place of residence, -to stop getting involved in everything and everyone, -to stop eating sweets, etc. - Or is it perhaps so ! ?


…… sentences and words, taken out of context, - and to put into different contexts .......? - the notes continue in the comments in Swedish .......


Friday, July 2, 2021

Communication, with help of words, is an art.


                        Month of July 2021

                                             Go for a walk

In order to achieve a meaningful conversation, an effort and empathy in the dialogue is needed. If there is an imbalance between the sentences, listening is a first step. Developing the words requires a conscious and mutual respect, no matter how hard the opposition is. Most of us humans communicate fundamentally beyond words and their literal meaning. Thinking into the other person's perspective requires a great presence. Feeling heard requires a great deal of openness.

Providing space to discuss complex and sensitive issues delivers feeling of security.

Creating presence and focusing gives attention. And asking questions, taking up ideas and rethinking questions, opens up for understanding.

[Trying out, by going from word to action, requires even more presence. Through consistency analysis, controller points and different gender perspectives, the "natural" development is allowed to flow.]

To separately identify (without dialogue) what one thinks and feels and then move on, creates openness. Here you can form new perspectives through understanding and continued questions about the goal.

And the "exchange of words" continues ………



Wednesday, June 2, 2021

value realism


The open society are unpatriarchy.

What characterizes the culture in Sweden is an approach that leads to what can be called "moral realism". This means that some values ​​are good and others are bad in themselves objectively. But it is preferable to relativism, where people are grouped into a hierarchy of oppressed and oppressors.

Some value systems are better than others for the well-being of a society.


Sweden's population appears to be secular, rational and self-fulfilling.

The Swede wants to be tolerant and inclusive when it comes to other cultures (self-realization), which means an extreme opposition to the secular and rational values. A common value system is necessary for a society's long-term prosperity and cohesion.

It can be said that the values ​​of liberal democracy, which include the principle of equal rights regardless of gender, skin color, sexual orientation, freedom of thought and expression, etc., are the best "recipe for values", which when implemented in a society leads to a maximizing well-being.



Male guardianship of the women in the family is not on the map! Chastity culture and the ideal of innocence are history in the value system and are not tolerated! Here are just the same rights and obligations for all individuals in society, all with the same legal standard regardless of culture, religious or ethnic background; we have buried all identity politics and completely freed ourselves from collectivist group thinking based on identity. The focus is on individual and individual rights, not the rights of groups. Freedom of religion has been incorporated into the provisions on freedom of opinion and expression.


The elimination of patriarchy can allow men to be a little bit like women too!     (The COVID19 pandemic is demonstrating what we all know: millennia of patriarchy have resulted in a male-dominated world with a male-dominated culture which damages everyone –)


Changing the moral values ​​of individuals, which are important both for the well-being of society and for its cohesion and survival, is the goal.

- "We have our way and the Swedes have theirs"? A divided society divided into us and them is a society with low trust and little willingness to cooperate and becomes even more problematic in a welfare society where people are expected to contribute to the benefit of other members of society.

It is important to have a vision and a goal to gradually move people's attitudes and values ​​towards the Swedish attitude with secular, rational values ​​and towards self-realization.

Ethnic backgrounds do not need to be addressed, but the differences in culture, values ​​and ideas, which can be linked to and from, we can address!

- The open society is based on the equality and freedom of individuals but at the same time maintains a set of values ​​that are considered to be right and that constitute society's moral foundation. People in the open society are involved in dialogue with those who adopt opposing values ​​and try to criticize or change their positions or perhaps sometimes change their own positions.

Yet open society is not a morally relativistic or morally neutral society. Here, everyone is encouraged to adopt a set of fundamental values that some would call humanist or liberal democratic values.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

What is your role?


The Learning Society.

Curiosity, creativity, economy, development, diversity, openness are concepts for people who consciously and subconsciously educate themselves. It can feel good for the moment to be taken care of and completely directed, but in most cases it is something that is missing for the whole, and the individual seeks knowledge for their thoughts, we are human.

The welfare society for the future.

Decentralization usually comes after a centralization that has become superfluous. We need smaller unit solutions with unchanged tax collection; then we also need more co-creation and learning (societal insight).

Creativity and Supervisor and control functions!

Control yourself, so you do not have to be controlled by others! Are you unconsciously creative, insane (extremes of balanced curiosity) or just lazy, seek the help of a Supervisor or controller?

A limited borderless open Sweden  ?

The ability to integrate is determined by the individuals' functional adaptation in both labor immigration and asylum immigration. Unregulated immigration is an impossibility in a welfare state?! A citizenship with clear rules!?

The green society !

In a hopeful environmental policy, one must formulate nature's agenda with great openness, competition and efficiency! It is not possible to recreate "then" with vulgar artegoistic marketing tricks. The conditional optimism with realistic solutions, which scientifically point to the problems, can mobilize everyone in a free, responsible and humanistic society!

Our membership of the World Union ?

The self-image of Sweden needs to be updated and value cooperation strengthened. Rethinking foreign policy unsentimentally in EU cooperation is becoming more important. The countries in Southern Europe constitute the protection against unsustainable immigration and there Sweden must contribute with competence as well, we are already contributing financially!

Friday, April 2, 2021

politics with freedom under liability


                                       the new symbol of Swedish opinions, liability and freedom.

Politics is about actual cause-politics, human-sight, thought-figures and the climate of ideas in society. Opinions and values can be normalized and change living conditions in the long run. In order for it to be as good as possible, we have a democracy process constantly ongoing.

In our democratic and liberal parties in Sweden, we have visions that are reliable in most parties; the structure of society has been shaped into individual freedom under one's own responsibility, and we are doing quite well in Sweden. Then we also have some voters who prefer evil inner visions; visions hidden in populism and frightening marketing. As for the conservative voters, it seems to be a change more in the controlling democratic direction; traditions are important but they must respect our human rights!

That power is inputting to freedom under one's own responsibility makes it very hard to make govern, therefore more knowledge about common sense is needed!

We must correct this and convince the voters through open public education.

The debate within the politic-parties, which should be open, should show our inner thoughts without blinders. We make a balance between the external and inner life goals, where the external ones dominate unsustainably in today's society.

It is important to maintain the balance between reasonable conservatism and refreshing creativity. Intelligent and cautious conservatism coupled with careful and sharp change is what maintains and creates order in society.

Democracy is an ongoing process; if it stops, it is no longer democracy. Sound and logical policy is a realistic policy for human obligations and rights, liberalism is for freedom of expression without offensive elements; words can hurt as much as physical abuse. There must be sustainable rules here for those who make shit about humanity!

If we encourage for an open debate, we must also meet, with great knowledge and pedagogy, extreme individuals in society. Even those who refuse to listen to our arguments; one of many alternatives to this may be well-developed controller functions; SOCIAL CONTROLLER - A person or a team that, inter alia, has the task of advising and analyzing the management of society's resources, which do not only include means of payment.

Liability and freedom at all levels

The meaning of words changes; Today's words for Liberalism stand for "freedom" and Conservatism stands for "responsibility" in a democratic process (in Sweden?). Unfortunately, some voters bring the old meaning of "do as you please" and "do it yourself and shit in others", Socialism has more of the meaning "beneficiaries". There must also be a good safety margin against power-hungry psychopaths; Republic with president is a major risk factor in a symbolic policy! And regardless of the character of politicians, good or evil, politics is carried out by authorities where there are also risks; so, start a newly developed CONTROLLERS-functions in society (where analysis and counseling for the inner life goals are included). "Controllers-function" (or perhaps a new name) that can be a part of non-profit mentorship.

Furthermore, the view of Sweden's ideology has changed so that each person is seen as an individual in the flock. Man has been shaped by his surroundings and must take his own responsibility for his life. Justice and parity are important in the ongoing democratic process. And in that view, there are equal parts Liberalism and Socialism, though somewhat less Conservatism. Religion-free politics, but free doctrine which is terror analyzed (with Controllers-function).

Monday, March 22, 2021

Citizens' budget for democracy development



If you as a citizen use your gender abilities to develop a sensible democracy, these concepts can be included;

Your female self with feeling, care, promise, renewal and chaos cooperates with your male with order, rationality and exploration.

On the sensible side are trust, dignity, commitment, inclusion, solidarity, transparency and citizenship.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Laser and lanterna


Attention is like a light source. No matter what light you focus on, you learn more. If you continue to focus, the light will penetrate deeper and deeper into the abyss of the unknown like a laser beam.

Laser-attention can reach great lengths and, if necessary, cut through all obstacles along the way.

If you are constantly curious about different subjects, your light will spread in many directions. This is like a lantern. Since you will not be able to compete with the gross time under illumination per subject for your laser contemporaries, you will probably not reach the highest level of mastery in any of the well-trodden interests that you have cultivated. But the more different landscapes you illuminate, the more you will find ways in which one subject can inform another, which can give rise to a completely different field altogether.

… .. One way is really no better than the other, we need both laser and lantern medicine when we collectively map our way forward.

The important things to keep in mind are the places that suck our light. The most expensive of these are the artificial screens - The dazzling light sources that do not require their own light to illuminate. TV, telephones and game consoles. In addition, there are also the topics that turn us off. Excess alcohol is a leader in this category.

But sometimes we need a break from being turned on, and you should not be foreign news. It's just about balance.

What about self-esteem? What feminine and masculine do you have; chaos, renewal or innovation, exploration, promise or commitment, rationality, care, order, feeling.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

users, administration and leadership

continuation of posts and notes; 

                                                        Many streams . . . . . . 


Use reason and understanding, and start from the good in people - BE A REALIST! 

                                                                  Users, Administration and Leadership


Just believe the facts!   But also believe that the will can divert "The will to be doubt".   Beware of pluralistic ignorance!    Do not always do as you are told if you hesitate!


Demand characteristics; the coaches "play with" in the charade both consciously and unconsciously.

The banalities of evil; Beware of improperly programmed defects in humans!

Homo Puppy - has an aversion towards authorities, but obeys directives when you think you trust them. If the directives are repeated, they are questioned and conflicts arise between the conscious and the subconscious.

Homo Puppy can perform evil deeds in the belief that they are good. A mass psychosis can be the basis for conformism, but also for passivity.

Mass psychosis over time (2-14 days); Extreme emotional depression, crying attack, anger and acute anxiety?

Why then do we become passive? Or are we active? The spectator effect.

If spectators can communicate with each other (see each other, hear each other, etc.) a greater activity takes place. If spectators do not communicate (are isolated, etc.) no major activities take place, an uncertainty follows and delays the activity. But still 90% activates! Why; well, our view of man can be distorted. And that sensationalist journalists often feed on distorted perceptions. But we often help our fellow human beings, and it is a good leadership ability, even individually!

News, xenophobia and empathy can lead people to focus on minorities or individual subjects and see less of the perspective. Negative attitudes towards outgroups will be generated situationally!

… Someone else organizes events with manipulative instructions

Realism is the balance between Pessimism and Optimism; everyone is needed for a successful team.

The solution to better quality in care and education is to minimize "product thinking", and to work in self-governing teams.

Management backbone; money is not everything? What motivation is needed for the commitment of the individual and the team? Bonuses, higher salaries and goals can have a negative impact on creativity and inner motivation!                              

> Develop how self-governing teams work in your organization!?

“People imagine that they believe in what they choose to believe. But it's not. We mostly believe in what we need to believe in.”

We imagine that we are rational beings. But most of our decisions are emotional. We buy a lot with the gut feeling. Even researchers probably think mostly with their stomach and heart, including researchers with sky-high IQ. Scientific research is not progressing step by step, as one might think, but rather as sudden revolutions. Scientific models are being created, and it takes a great deal to shake them up. When it finally happens, it happens through revolutionary paradigm shifts. The evidence that the old standard not is true becomes so overwhelming that it can no longer be resisted.

Yes, even researchers "mostly believe in what they need to believe in". What can you then ask of amateur people who will listen to the researchers, and make their own decisions…

If we encourage an open debate, we must also welcome (with great knowledge and pedagogy) extreme individuals and misunderstood amateurs and others in society. Even those who refuse to listen to our arguments; one of many alternatives to this can be developed controller functions that capture debate topics.

SOCIAL CONTROLLER: A person or a team that has the task of advising and analyzing the management of society's resources that do not include means of payment.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Natural wisdom, of course


To be human is, basically, to be good and loving. We are angels with the horns of the devil. We are not just built for polarity, we are polarity. There is no shadowy aspect of human darkness. We have, within us, the whole spectrum of light and power to heal ourselves with care and loving awareness.

The ego likes to deny this truth. It is desperately trying to confirm that it is better than anyone else. Everyone else. In our assessment, we look down on others to be superior. But that assessment has two sides. The first page judges what we see, but the second touches us self just as much. Because we are not separated from those we judge.


This is made possible only by the myth of separation. The result is inevitably a conflict.

The way to effectively combat darkness exists both internally and externally in the world.

Knowledge is the way to the healthy society, both in outer and inner space. There are other values ​​than the economic ones for well-being!

Posts for public-education:

ร˜ We have a somewhat perverse cultural heritage. And we like to fit in with power cultures that suit us; but if we all have a common and global aspiration to be part of a positive public education that can convince the few evil people of the good in life.

ร˜ Mother peace; Good example "Senegal", where the woman and mother raise the children to work in society from a women's perspective. The mother reduces and balances masculinity.

ร˜ ? Do you really need 140 l of water for a cup of coffee?

ร˜ How to deal with negative politics? With knowledge!

ร˜ There are masculine norms! Educating women's perspectives regardless of gender.

ร˜ We focus on 95% of external factors for the betterment of society but have a very hard time talking about the internal factors! Try to talk more objectively, soberly, realistically and humbly with each other, but spend most of your time listening to each other!

ร˜ Afghanistan has an incredible potential if women are allowed to rule without the intervention of men!

Friday, February 26, 2021

Supposed terrorism


You must be as you are, If you did not become as you should be!      But? !

   However, if it can harm another individual, it requires care and a reasonably balanced rehabilitation.

There are a large number (over 300 different) diagnoses for the syndrome, some of which cause chaos in our society due to misunderstanding, omission or imbalance in MEFFES (see previous notes). But with many terrorists and criminals, there is no diagnosis, it is pure unbridled conscious evil.

Perceived terrorism observed? Accelerationists and Islamists.

Society's measures so far: Is that enough? Suggestions for update?

Democratic societies need to build a broad resilience to this threat.

Democratic values ​​need to be broadly cemented in society in order for individuals' radicalization to be better prevented.

Removing disinformation, conspiracy theories, hateful content and violent extremist propaganda from major social media platforms has in recent years become a significant issue in the work against violent extremism, as well as in the Western political debate.

Several attempts have been made to exclude violent right-wing extremists from various online platforms, which has to some extent reduced their presence there.

Limiting the reach of pro-violence extremists is a complex and important challenge for law enforcement agencies and media companies, and requires the cooperation of these actors. Reducing the growth of pro-violence extremism does not only require repressive measures by security services and police authorities in the form of, for example, covert coercive measures or custodial measures. These need to be complemented by softer measures, both online and offline.


Towards individuals who have already been radicalized, harsh measures are required. But there is also a need for soft, preventive measures, such as "creating societal resilience to the ideas of societal collapse and exaggerated contradictions."

The state of pandemic's state of emergency is, of course, fertile ground for accelerationism. A good reason to avoid a hard lockdown and to keep schools open as far as possible.

The terrorist attacks seem to be designed to get as much attention as possible. The attacks were broadcast live, for example, online.

Civil war - throughout the West - is the target of terrorism. This should be done by increasing the division in society, creating an atmosphere of fear and thereby inciting people to resort to violence against each other.

Radical Islamists are adept at catching young people worried about Islamophobia, and radical nationalists are just as quick to turn people's legitimate concerns about jihadists into xenophobia.


The extremes are interdependent - they are shadow twins that grow together and give birth to each other.

CIA warns that the threat from both Islamist terrorism and the far right is growing.

On the Internet, the boundaries between the violent white power milieu and the more salacious radical nationalists are blurred. It can increase the risk of right-wing extremist lone wolves going from net hatred to action. "The fact that the white power environment and the looser xenophobic environment are approaching each other can be a driving force for individuals to commit xenophobic motivated crimes."

Swedish society must be able to meet the threats from three sides at the same time: from the Islamists, who still pose the greatest terrorist threat, from the extreme right, which seems to be becoming increasingly violent, and from the autonomous left, which works long-term to undermine democracy.

It is up to all of us, the majority in the middle, to stop them. Do not spread the extremists' conspiracies. Do not look at each other with their eyes. Remember that it is in the difficult, dark moments that humanity is most felt.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

The coming?

 Let's shape the future with a civilized conversation

Individual freedoms and rights, democracy, market economy and tolerance are fundamental values. Exactly where one lands on various issues depends on preferences and priorities, but also on human views and worldviews. Arguments must be broken against each other, and it is an intellectual honor to listen to the best objections of your opponents, and reconsider your position and conclusions - while being confident in your values ​​and standing up for them. That who are happening - and that who not are done - needs to be described and discussed in the public domain. Otherwise suspicion, dissatisfaction and stagnation arise, where everyone is a loser.

Man's ability to cooperate and converse are two key factors that our humanity has risen from poverty, hunger and insecurity. Yuval Noah Harari has described this well in his books "Sapiens" and "Homo Deus". He emphasizes that we are now facing a choice of path that will determine how well the world recovers when the pandemic subsides: Create international synergies - or close inwards?

Today we live with institutions that developed during the Middle Ages and have a technology that our brains and our consciousness cannot grasp. These conditions have consequences for our health, for democracy, for the environment, etc. We are on the verge of letting technology get into our bodies where AI (Artificial Intelligence) has the ability to give us satisfaction and predictability in life but also potentially to take control.


The open society is threatened from a number of perspectives.

Not least the dictatorship of China challenges all people on earth with abuse and shadowing people on a large scale. And do not think that it only concerns those who live in the Middle Kingdom. China is the world's largest workshop and many Western companies have invested there. Chinese in the diaspora must report home to the Communist Party and the internet is global. We live in mutual dependence with a growing beast.

Putin's despotism in Russia and Lukashenko's violence in Belarus also affect the security situation here. As well as, of course, the nationalist movement in Europe and the United States. The open society has internal enemies. And they mean what they say and are prepared to resort to violence. There is a second Cold War, which will fundamentally affect the coming decades: individual versus collective, democracy versus dictatorship, optimism versus pessimism. And these tensions are also present in our country, which is noticeable in a polarized and aggressive conversation. Friends and families are divided over disagreements about both what reality looks like and where we are going. Meeting again is not facilitated by a fragmented and digitized world where we all find different information and images, selected by algorithms and like-minded friends. Fake news and conspiracy theories further disturb the view.

The truth is endangered in the information society. The feeling of a we and them is also strengthened by the instinct to want to belong to a group, which is why we are attracted to facts and stories that support our own perception or thing.

In addition, there is a postmodern paradigm in many universities - a perception that everything depends on what perspective you have.

But there is an objective truth and facts. These should be sought after and respected.

At the same time, positive things are happening; The technical development is phenomenal. Just think of what it would have been like to have to endure the pandemic without the internet and mobiles. Without e-commerce and streaming services. Without social media and video tools. Work, leisure, eating habits, exercise, housing, travel - and perhaps even life choices - are changed by the prevailing corona existence. In several ways for the better and these we can keep when we can meet again physically. Self-driving vehicles, learning machines, robots, artificial intelligence and the "internet of things" will continue to revolutionize our way of life in the near future.

It is up to everyone to use the tools in the best way. To be curious, to orientate oneself, to be civilized, to show consideration, to find one's own lifestyle and to be a good citizen.


It can be good to question and seek the right answers.