Sunday, August 1, 2021

Insobriety in life.


Happiness comes from your own actions (it is a consequents of what do and how we behave) !

The symptom of “intoxication” can help you get to know the balance of people you meet; it can be Love, Food, Project and Drug intoxication.

Then the consequences of the "intoxication" become a habit that develops negatively. Then, if not sooner, it's time to analyze! Love can turn into a need for control, Uncontrolled eating can turn into obese disease, Projects can turn into violations of power, greed and jealousy. Alcohol is perhaps the one we can learn most from everything it has caused.

Example alcohol intoxication:

     The levels of intoxication can be

1) the thought and longing for happiness and soft feeling.

2) first glass = calm; 0.2 permille, feels the alcohol - becomes relaxed and less self-critical.

3) second to third glass = happiness intoxication phase (target, affected); 0.5 permille, releases inhibitions and reflexes. The judgment and ability to take information deteriorates. Precision deteriorates.

4) fourth glass = drunk (still happy, but the creativity in imbalance, visibly affected); 0.8 permille, the movements become excessive and the coordination worse. Sight is affected.

5) fifth glass = full drunk (gives consequences); At 1 to 2 permille, muscle control deteriorates and speech becomes slurred. At 1, the limit is passed for heavy drunk driving. Emotions are hard to control. Major balance difficulties. Sickness and emotional outbursts.

6) Groggy drunk (completely uncontrolled actions); 2 permille sees the affected double, has difficulty talking and walking upright.

7) Redless drunk (covered!); at 3 permille, the limit goes to unconsciousness and does not perceive what is happening and the risk of alcohol poisoning is great.

- Dependence comes gradually. Co-dependence can also be a kind of intoxication or self-indulgence.     But what about when you started to feel uncomfortable and unhappy with intoxication? It's not just to stop drinking or to be okay? -to stop seeing women as sex objects, -to stop smoking, -to flee one's place of residence, -to stop getting involved in everything and everyone, -to stop eating sweets, etc. - Or is it perhaps so ! ?


…… sentences and words, taken out of context, - and to put into different contexts .......? - the notes continue in the comments in Swedish .......