Thursday, February 24, 2022

Personal leadership


An emotional leadership in words and poems ?

[Mental life area:] Unguarded and Strong? (Fear and Curiosity)

[The social area of life:] I am breakable and I am unbeatable (Openness and Humility)

[Ethnic life area:] I have all the good days left (Expectations)

[Family area of life:] And that's why I just want to give you love. I want to give you All of me (Generosity)

[Economic life area:] You rest your observation in the lake - (What stands in the way) You want to follow a dream (Visions). But what do you see When you look for more Than I can give you? (Reflection)

[Physical area of life:] I also carry sorrow - (Openness) But not once That I let it win (The goal in small gains)


[Love and Energy]

And forgive me, because I want to like and hold you

The good wins one day, maybe I get the love again

You are feeble and you are unbeatable

You have all the great days left


Strong & Vulnerable as a horse !

Wednesday, February 23, 2022



Confidence in the task is the first vital characteristic of something that is believed to be good. "With confidence" that it is possible and that it can be good! The instinctive feeling also says that there is a greater purpose even if there seems to be doubt.

  But what about security? The answer: Hard work and commitment!

The proverb; "It's not how many times you get knocked down, it's how many times you get up again."

  One of the keys to cultivating resilience is to put self-esteem aside; if you remove the self-assessment, you limit the discomfort of failure and then you are much more likely to keep trying. (It is difficult to remove the verdict. But it is easy to change the criteria that are judged on the basis.)

Move your goal from being "the one who must succeed" to instead being "the one who does his best".

 Another characteristic of success can also be a belief that there is always another (often hidden) alternative. And that feeling usually violates the normative standard and is just there. And that's also where the best satisfaction is (if you can have that confidence now).



Poetry trying in a pot

I think that I will give you a thought, right now. What others think, you do not have to care, they only care, what we think about them.

When I think about life and what I have done, it is often other people who have given me strength. Sometimes I wonder if there is a higher power, because when I crashed, I had an angel guard.

Of course, there are many things that are strange in this life, and it is important that you do not take anything for granted. We should help each other to feel good, and be grateful for the life we have been given.

It is difficult to see who is a terrorist, a person full of hatred, who has lost his mind. Imagine if you could regain the power that the globe had inside it. And the ability to find the right words that create justice and peace on earth ….

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Holy anger! holy moly.


? FAKE ! ?
 (- It is about communication and understanding between people.)


(Statement by Janne Carlsson (80), who (?) managed to turn the pyramid upside down)



Using violence is not taking responsibility!

Pursue responsibility without violence!

"Adults" must take greater responsibility for, and on, social media!

Adults should sharpen up, stop being selfish, and think more about the children - instruction and controller-following-up !


Monday, February 7, 2022

All the different understandings that life has given us.


                           Openness and ethics

          References: www.exploratory the

Five characteristics of people with high existential intelligence.

Existential intelligence invites us to question ourselves and the world around us. In fact, it opens our minds to the bigger picture. All people have something of it, more or less!

Everyone is different. In fact, each of us observes, thinks, feels and takes the world differently. This is somewhat due to the type of intelligence that is dominant in each individual. But we do not seem to find too many people with high existential intelligence in the everyday, consumerist and individualistic society we live in today. Nevertheless, those that do exist have certain characteristics that are well worth mentioning.

Existential intelligence is also called spiritual, philosophical or transcendental intelligence. It's part of Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. According to research, we should not boundary ourselves to IQ as a measure of assessing and understanding a human being, as there are other areas of great importance. Could it be the "stomach feeling", or some other substitute?

Language, musical, spatial or interpersonal skills, to name just a few, form part of an individual's assets and determine the degree of intelligence. Initially, the researcher Gardner suggested seven types of intelligence. However, he later considered including two more, one of which was existential intelligence.


How are people with high existential intelligence?

We all exhibit every type of intelligence to some degree. But people with high existential intelligence are usually characterized by the following:

1. They possess philosophical restlessness

One of their most characteristic features is that they care about philosophical and transcendental issues. For example, where do we come from? Why do we live? What is beyond death?

These types of questions occupy their minds much of the time. In addition, they enjoy reading and learning about theological, existential, or spiritual issues.


Woman thinking

2. People with high existential intelligence like to see the whole picture

They can go beyond the physical senses to explain themselves and understand the world around them.

In addition, they have a great ability to see the whole in all situations. For that reason, they are good advisors, have the ability to solve problems and find solutions and are usually good leaders

3. They have high values

They generally move away from personalities such as selfishness or self-centeredness, violence and conflict. In fact, they are usually conciliatory, peaceful, respectful, and supportive.

In addition, they tend to show great interest in the society around them and defend universal values ​​such as kindness, love, peace and brotherhood. Yet they can often feel alienated and strange in their surroundings.


4. They practice an unselfish lifestyle

It is common for people with high existential intelligence to show disinterest in certain ingrained social lifestyles such as consumption and the normalized type of leisure activities in society today. Instead, they usually use their time to achieve an integrated development of their own being.

They are usually people who are extremely aware of the care of their own body, the environment and others. They often perform official acts and altruism. In the end, they perceive union in everything around them.


5. People with high existential intelligence have a sense of wholeness

These people are extremely curious. They also have a high ability to abstract. This constantly leads them to search for answers. In addition, they are more open to diversity and tend to want to answer the "why" in all kinds of contexts.

In short, their sense of transcendence is high. Therefore, they try to place themselves and imagine life and daily actions in the context of interconnection with the whole universe.


Woman with crystal ball asking herself existential questions

 The importance of promoting existential intelligence

Existential intelligence means development. Self-knowledge, interpersonal skills, mathematical and linguistic knowledge and body control are essential for understanding these types of abstract issues and for applying these approaches.

Children naturally show the philosophical restlessness and curiosity that characterize this type of intelligence. But they tend to be ignored or silenced sooner rather than later. It is also common for these tendencies to recur in adolescence. Yet society does not agree with this type of reflexive process. In fact, it tends to overshadow them in favor of individualism and a material life.

Despite this, the feeling of transcendence is inherent in man. Putting it aside can also generate extensive emotional discomfort. Therefore, it is important to restore and improve this valuable intelligence. For example, the curriculum in school should always be linked to its practical application in reality. In fact, students should be encouraged to look at the same problem from different angles and their curiosity should be promoted.

In our daily lives we can promote this intelligence through methods such as meditation, introspection, contact with nature, care for our physical well-being and prosocial behaviors. Finally, if you are one of those who possess high existential intelligence and sometimes feel different, you should value this unique trait and take advantage of it.


"We are all very ignorant, but we are not all ignorant of the same things."                                  -Albert Einstein-


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6 . ?

7 . ?

(8)  existentiell intelligens

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  References:  Utforska sinnet.........