Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Swede

We live on the edge of the Oresund region in Scandinavia. The country we live in is called Sweden and other Europeans designates us as Swedes, with its pros and cons of a European cooperation. There are prejudices about the "Swede" drinking too much, dress badly, talk too little and are afraid of conflict, and often underestimate their culture and history. The great thing about "The Swede" is open, honest and keeps his word. Moreover, we takes a lot of confidence, has great integrity are highly literate and interested environment. Why are we like this? Well, we are an old democracy that is still under development. We have had peace for over 200 years, and this means that we have difficulty understanding the people who have recently been at war.
But we are now part of a continent where we have free movement of people, capital, goods and services. We are also on track to gain freedom for knowledge. We hope to see a Europe where people in every country see itself as much as the Europeans who live in his own country; it has been for previous generations had experienced very difficult. The youth of today have the ability to see themselves, at the same time, as "The Swede in a well-developed Regions" and the Europeans.
And we want to continue to live where you have freedom with responsibility and empowerment, also when the EU is extended to all European countries. Sure, we can take on part of both the negative and the positive criticism on us. But a Swedish in the Oresund Region and one in Swedish Norrland differ as widely as Estonians and Hungarians. Differences enrich knowledge and prevent narrow-mindness.

Today's word;

We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.

It is the profound ignorance that provokes the cocksure tone.

Comments; For us, the nation, "Sweden" is an area where the residents themselves decided on the rules of democratic design. The symbol (King) of Sweden may be worn at the edges, but which inhabitants is not that?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Treat yourself this speech.

The speech to those who, with their own empowerment, choosing amicable partnership and entering into a marriage - and to you who feel the obligation.

For making life to be good you have to bear responsibility and have influence.

• We treat each other to find ourselves in life and dominion over our lives. Your situation is unique - but as you can influence. You will not rough you all by them selves - but you will find you, if you still have a focus on other than yourself, in context, on society, family and future.

• We treat each other to be needed and useful. Utility has several stages. Each person must think in several stages. What is the result of that election or that election? What can I cope - and what should I do while I wonder if I can handle it? None of us is indispensable. Yet we are all need in life. We can all be questioned. It costs nothing to criticize, not even to be rude. Yet we all try to contribute positively to our rewards.

Your useful in the bigger picture is perhaps most evident when you can stand up on important values ​​who are threatened; as gratitude, as togetherness, as hopefulness, as indignation and commitment to human rights violations. It might be expected so much of you, that not in the fundamentally feels so important to you. May you then be able to keep your curiosity and expectancy!

So you are now husband and wife. Private, you have established a free zone which is now confirmed as publicly as possible. The ceremony turned a bridge between the most personal and the common. In the family can openness and reciprocity get rooms, such as publicity and performance life never can escape. To each other, you need not be good - but you need to have our eyes on each other. "Show affection to each other. Top each other in mutual respect and love. Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep."

• We treat each other to get worn and receive help. Independent, self-determination and freedom are important concepts. Nobody should have to crawl; no one should have to be humble. It's hard to be a debt of gratitude. It is unsafe to be at a disadvantage when you can not trust the other. In a large society and the public it is often the case. The close relationship, when it is as we wish, it is in a different way. We are doing well by a mutual, safe, loving dependence. There you have entered in. May you be kept free zone, a protected species, yet welcoming to those you want to be closest!

And a life can be long. Those who are strong may be weak; those who are born weak become strong; that, you have to manage in your family. They who is safe dare to be cage!

• We treat each other to come back even if we fail. I do not think any man live up to what he or she would like to live up to. We all come to the end of the road. To love your neighbor as yourself is hard; sometimes the self-contempt will be overwhelming, when you see all their failures.You have got married.

You have come so close together that you know that love is mutual and holds reciprocal forgiveness. Then, there is room also for the failures and weakness!You have not done you deserve life. No one has it. It is given us; the air, the universe's existence and reasonably balanced, memories and hopes.

• We treat each other to find ourselves in life and dominion over our lives. We treat each other to be needed and useful. We treat each other to get worn and receive help. We treat each other to come back even if we fail.
We do treat you that!

Today's word; The only person you can change is yourself!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Joy Jump

The idea that what makes life worth living must be recreated outside society's rules, and it requires an inexhaustible creativity.We live in a society that has made it possible for us to live as free, sentient individuals. We live in a promising and complex period in which the clan society should maintain a presence in history. The trend in society is an ever increasing quest to get it well on its own behalf. But equally important for us is to feel responsible for others and our surroundings. When you focus on the meaning of life, you can nevertheless focus on what makes us happy or what morality requires of us (who is also a term for life sentence). The most meaningful life can actually be a life that is both moral and happy at the same time, and then maybe we can be happy for real. To maintain comfort requires a degree of unease in the scheme. We may partially accept to live in a world that is a provisional one; nothing is permanent, nothing can be justified in depth, and no metaphysical questions can be answered. As long as there is a consensus that this provisional license is preferred, it will work fine. Such a society can be far more free and creative than a society built on authoritarian principles, but in the focus has it, after all, a bubble of emptiness, which all too easily be filled with ideologies, that hate this provisional liberty.
The History is excellent in the role as something to define them against; the liberation from the previous century ghost-authoritarian values ​​(which also has its basis in the first millennium, when politics and religion were in power together). Repetition of these rituals, which is more than a mother of knowledge, means that we are becoming more able to sympathize with the right side in the past conflicts, but also increasingly ill prepared to deal with the difficulties we will meet; for this it requires happiness in everyday life. We are goal-oriented beings, created for the activity. And activities, there is! Good close relationships, friendship, love, work (or any meaningful employment) and a socially and physically active leisure has a large effect on welfare. We focus at more attention on other than ourselves; we experience peace of mind and a get more positive view of others. This strengthens our sense of belonging and meaning. A major culprit is the advertising industry, since its job is to make us dissatisfied with what we have and what we are; we should examine this with great morals. Important for meaningfulness, is also, that we have a central life goal, something we are passionate about, and that we are part of a larger context. The fight against poverty and oppression, for a better environment and animal welfare are meaningful units. Our life must be related to us in an understandable way, have a common thread that makes us see the big picture. The big dividing line between the objective of promoting yourself and the goal to benefit others is a present question.

Days word; Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that`s why they call it the present