Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Sincerely note

"Peace of mind" taken from the book "The soul is a verb"

   Get to know, take care and be loyal to yourself. Stay in touch with your inner.

In MEFFES there is in the inwards; the mental, ethical, family and social life, while the physical and economic belong to the outer. .... or living worlds; the social that deals with the need for community and belonging, friendship and relational contexts. The mental (personal) is about meeting the need for identity, integrity and intellectual growth. The ethical (existential) is about meeting the need for meaning, value and, in some sense, also excessive life fundamentals (self transcendence). The physical and economic "external" needs are about physical nutrition, relation to nature and welfare.

Dimensions of life can be success and adversity, joy and sadness, profit and loss, shortcomings and strengths.


Self-awareness is to understand their feelings, and they have an important message. By reflecting on the feelings, self-knowledge increases, and you can better judge how to act. Take time to focus on what you can control!

A strength is something you do well and that gives you energy. Your vitality is in line with your strengths and will help you both meet challenges and take care of opportunities.
Life force can be said to be the energy you get from what you devote. Note what gives you energy!

Your ability for emotional nearness is dependent on how you understand and relate to your feelings. The growth forms the attitude towards emotions and is dicisive to your ability to feel emotional. We are all existentially (where did I come from, why do I live and what happens then?) isolated, but not relationally (encounters between individuals) isolated. Your philosophy of life should include your view of life, work and relationships. There is a lot we can not control in life, especially negative events. Reflect on your basic suppositions and start designing or updating your philosophy of life! The fact that life is finite makes your choices more important and gives greater meaning to what is. Choosing requires a willingness to take responsibility, and you can only get the reasons for your choices from yourself. And it's only you who can choose; take time to focus on what you can control!

Relationship to emotions can be different in your philosophy of life; It may be "let-go", disapproving, rejecting and / or coaching acceptance.

Have the courage to accept and own your feminine / male part of your personality!

Be alert to your deficiency (shortcomings) such as lust, greed, aggression, jealousy, insecurity, fear.

Keep about your inner!
Your inner needs must meet, and you need to reflect on them in the long term. The set of needs differs from others and varies over time and with a living situation. Check yourself, and no need to control you! It is important to self-love to feel good and to be able to give other love! Strive for friendly, reflective and demanding self-esteem!

 Accept the presence of your shortcomings so you can get better at managing them! Nobody is perfect. Process disappointments well and new opportunities are opened.

 A pursuit of happiness risks taking it farther from it. It is meaningful to bring both struggle and self-sacrifice for a long-term balance between meaning and happiness in life. Play is available in many forms to help you open up new perspectives and strengthen relationships. At the same time, it helps you to deal with adversity and suffering.

 Always try to be honest with yourself, even if it is vulnerable, insecure or increased stress. You have the right to change yourself - life is changing.

Reflect on future authenticity, the unknown (transcendence), love, playfulness, meaning, development, courage, empathy, gratitude or strength. The questions make it easier to get an idea of ​​what to avoid or do in the moment. Try to live for your own values. Stand up and return to the basic values ​​(and life goals). Everyone is addicted to other people, and individuality is about your unique peculiarities, and at the same time giving something to others.


To look with the minds eye (psychiatric) is about exploring inner states that make meaning, awakens reverence and amazement. Horizontal view looks forward while vertical engages and appreciates for the moment. A larger context (horizontal) also makes the small (vertical) meaningful.

The art is to have the spiritual perspective coexist with common sense and rationality; The tools are poetry, passion and contradictions.

A soulful love has the demise context, friendship, partner, family, intimacy and home. The love of a role can make meaningful of your work (satisfaction, appreciation, recognition, growing or financial compensation). And the love of life in a partially absurd world.

Having a careful attention to what is, makes us discover changes and get an ability to endure uncertainty and hesitation.

A good resistance raises dedication, creativity and determination.

💟 Listed and summarized by Bosse in August 2018, good to reflect on ðŸ’Ÿ

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