Wednesday, November 14, 2018

One of the 2000's MISSIONAR, PROFET or MESSIAS?

Dr. Jordan B Peterson.
Jordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist and tenured professor of psychology at the University of Toronto
Among young angry men, Jordan B Peterson is seen as an intellectual superstar and his self-help book tops the bestseller lists.
One of the 2000's "Jesus" or "Muhammad" who has become famous (and rich) on self-help books?Most people need a "higher power" in some form, and a prophet who communicates the power of power to be able to do the best. Questions and statements are usually sensible, but can also be made knowingly by Jordan.
I have listen to "Experience Ruels to live by"
For at least an hour, discuss, promote and propagate for and against the criticism of books and poscasts; also a way to increase revenue. And in two hours, Jordan presents his views on the advise he has written for self-help.
Is he one of the world's sharpest brains or a reactionary provocator? A straightforward truth owner, or banal self-help guru?
Advice such as: straighten you, do not lie, clean your room, take charge of your actions ... Is not that what mothers, wives, fathers and teachers have said to men for centuries?
Can not a worldview based on archetypes be seen as correct categorical? Is it really that simple ?! - It's the most complicated of everything! We have been trying to get hold of it for tens of thousands of years and can hardly formulate it.
-We think so in categories. The conceptual model is based on almost impenetrable deep ideas from people like Carl Jung.
"We know that stable families with two parents are better for the kids"
"Equal opportunities are a valuable basic principle, but that does not mean the outcome must be equal." The more gender a country is, the greater the personality differences between the sexes?

who is he?

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