Monday, November 19, 2018

Life advice and media reflections

Joe Rogan Experience #1139 – Jordan B Peterson

An interview about experience of life rules. Jordan's discussions give the difference between facts and values in new forms of media, such as scientific factual texts and this YouTube in 3 hours and 20 minutes. How to usually feel fooled by newspaper articles and TV shows. You might prefer this kind of information depending on how you interpret it.
The information we receive is an incredibly small part of all information, so you must take responsibility for the interpretation. Politics is important because it concerns what's going on around us, it's about sift the populist message, facts and visions.
• Set good demands, says that life is hard and full of setbacks; life is not comfortable!
• We have something to learn from the animals
• Switches between the way man is and the right morale
• Uses up googled or arrogant tags.
• Is controversial, has introduced a new ideas debate that has been missing before.

Life is not a single championship, there are many championships every day - encourage to make the most of every situation. You have the greatest responsibility for yourself, nobody else! OK, life is hard, but feeling bad can be a good start to a change.
How well prepared are you for different crises privately and in society? Every individ in the "flock" has a responsibility, such as in the mire stack, bird swarm or fish shoal. And it's definitely no a common, or any else´s God, that can influence this, only your own ”higher power”; The consciousness, the "soul", the energy that is created in your brain etc.
Jordan's philosophy seems to be that all suffering leads to some form of deliverance. And that his painful suffering from his own misuses has shown him not to focus on himself, but to help other in there misuse.
How does your mind change (for example when it have been lieing to you and traying a change)? Regular "small" steps, which will be longer for each day. One step at a time, the most important thing first, make it easy and keep calm.
Small simple things that were previously unimportant are now important for the change. Politics and future dreams are still complicated when you are now honest with yourself. What do you want, how do you and when do you do it? To write down your thoughts, edit the text until you are sure what you want, and think about it again. Think (write and correct) before acting. The more responsibility for your actions you take the more meaning you will find in existence.
My mind, Grant me the Serenty to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can and Wisdom to know the difference.
And again; a good try to fight anguish and depression is to physically make simple things for example clean, bed, dishes, both to yourself and to other person - try and feel.
Today's policy; The way out of political polarization is the individual - and the individual's responsibility for his life - and it's not political.
The discussion about the family is very important. It is up to you to balance your life area that concerns the family (the family can be a woman, man and child but also single with any "closest" individual nearby). And this is a life area that is part of MEFFES (see previous notes if you care).

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