Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Sincerely note

"Peace of mind" taken from the book "The soul is a verb"

   Get to know, take care and be loyal to yourself. Stay in touch with your inner.

In MEFFES there is in the inwards; the mental, ethical, family and social life, while the physical and economic belong to the outer. .... or living worlds; the social that deals with the need for community and belonging, friendship and relational contexts. The mental (personal) is about meeting the need for identity, integrity and intellectual growth. The ethical (existential) is about meeting the need for meaning, value and, in some sense, also excessive life fundamentals (self transcendence). The physical and economic "external" needs are about physical nutrition, relation to nature and welfare.

Dimensions of life can be success and adversity, joy and sadness, profit and loss, shortcomings and strengths.


Self-awareness is to understand their feelings, and they have an important message. By reflecting on the feelings, self-knowledge increases, and you can better judge how to act. Take time to focus on what you can control!

A strength is something you do well and that gives you energy. Your vitality is in line with your strengths and will help you both meet challenges and take care of opportunities.
Life force can be said to be the energy you get from what you devote. Note what gives you energy!

Your ability for emotional nearness is dependent on how you understand and relate to your feelings. The growth forms the attitude towards emotions and is dicisive to your ability to feel emotional. We are all existentially (where did I come from, why do I live and what happens then?) isolated, but not relationally (encounters between individuals) isolated. Your philosophy of life should include your view of life, work and relationships. There is a lot we can not control in life, especially negative events. Reflect on your basic suppositions and start designing or updating your philosophy of life! The fact that life is finite makes your choices more important and gives greater meaning to what is. Choosing requires a willingness to take responsibility, and you can only get the reasons for your choices from yourself. And it's only you who can choose; take time to focus on what you can control!

Relationship to emotions can be different in your philosophy of life; It may be "let-go", disapproving, rejecting and / or coaching acceptance.

Have the courage to accept and own your feminine / male part of your personality!

Be alert to your deficiency (shortcomings) such as lust, greed, aggression, jealousy, insecurity, fear.

Keep about your inner!
Your inner needs must meet, and you need to reflect on them in the long term. The set of needs differs from others and varies over time and with a living situation. Check yourself, and no need to control you! It is important to self-love to feel good and to be able to give other love! Strive for friendly, reflective and demanding self-esteem!

 Accept the presence of your shortcomings so you can get better at managing them! Nobody is perfect. Process disappointments well and new opportunities are opened.

 A pursuit of happiness risks taking it farther from it. It is meaningful to bring both struggle and self-sacrifice for a long-term balance between meaning and happiness in life. Play is available in many forms to help you open up new perspectives and strengthen relationships. At the same time, it helps you to deal with adversity and suffering.

 Always try to be honest with yourself, even if it is vulnerable, insecure or increased stress. You have the right to change yourself - life is changing.

Reflect on future authenticity, the unknown (transcendence), love, playfulness, meaning, development, courage, empathy, gratitude or strength. The questions make it easier to get an idea of ​​what to avoid or do in the moment. Try to live for your own values. Stand up and return to the basic values ​​(and life goals). Everyone is addicted to other people, and individuality is about your unique peculiarities, and at the same time giving something to others.


To look with the minds eye (psychiatric) is about exploring inner states that make meaning, awakens reverence and amazement. Horizontal view looks forward while vertical engages and appreciates for the moment. A larger context (horizontal) also makes the small (vertical) meaningful.

The art is to have the spiritual perspective coexist with common sense and rationality; The tools are poetry, passion and contradictions.

A soulful love has the demise context, friendship, partner, family, intimacy and home. The love of a role can make meaningful of your work (satisfaction, appreciation, recognition, growing or financial compensation). And the love of life in a partially absurd world.

Having a careful attention to what is, makes us discover changes and get an ability to endure uncertainty and hesitation.

A good resistance raises dedication, creativity and determination.

💟 Listed and summarized by Bosse in August 2018, good to reflect on ðŸ’Ÿ

Monday, November 26, 2018

Life ruels of Homo Deus

Jordan B Peterson 42 life ruels; Here, these are updated in a more positive version (has been excluded "no" and "not").Some rules are concrete clear, others are less clear and need a parable to understand. Some are sensible, while others are precious ( What media says about Jordan; he is self-conscious and literary, a precious besserwisser and political windmill). Some advise makes good in the consciousness, while others may feel hurt themselves - life is such! 

Tell the truth.

Be attentive.

Be rude in a humble way.

Be exactly in you speech.

Encurage the best in people.

Keep away from things you hate.

Bullies must be stopped immediately.

Well done is meningful.

Be grateful in touch of your suffering.

Dress up as the person you want to be.

Keep up your connections with folks.

Clear your mind of unwanted things.

Be equal to your closest.

Speak the truth about unpleasant things.

Be careful who you share bad news with.

Be careful who you share good news with.

Read something written by someone great.

Stand up for your values.

Clap a cat when you meet one on the street.

Complete with what is meaningful, instead of what is expedient.

What matters to you is also the reality that applies.

Act so that you can tell the truth about how you act.

Become a friend of people who want your best.

Encourage children to focus on the undertaking.

Keep of your arrogant and irritating me.

Make at least one thing better at each place you go to.

Meet the scary thing that stands in your way.

But also remember, to be careful about doing unnecessarily dangerous things.

Try to make one room in your house as beautiful as possible.

Set your own house in perfect order before criticizing the world.

Avoid correcting someone who is unwilling to be corrected.

Be very careful to correct someone who wants to be corrected.

Imagine who you can be, and then focus on this.

Let your child do what you like.

Avoid speak badly about social institutions or artistic achievements.

Notice that the possibility hides where responsibility has been abandoned.

Plan and work frequent to keep the romance in your relationship.

Treat yourself as the one you can be responsible for helping.

Work as hard as possible, at least with one thing, and see what's happening.

If old memories still make you sad, write down them carefully and completely.

Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, tomorrow you are older.

Remember, what you are unaware of is more important than what you already know.

Please ask someone about a small favor, so that this can ask you about one in the future.

If you have to choose, ask the one who does things instead of the one who seems to do things.

Write a letter to the government if you see something that needs fixing, and propose a solution.

The person you listen to may know something that you need to know; listen so that they wants to share this.

If you have problems with your own live, then avoid getting something that's more complicated.

Take it easy, do it easy, one thing at a time, the most important first, one day at a time and, live and let live.

Friday, November 23, 2018


Today I can not forgive myself, and I blame it on my God. Hope that in the future I will come there, in my sickness, to forgive "my God".      Until I understand, this higher power in me, may be called "my sixth mind" or something else. The word "God" is unimportant in this context, but to me it has been an intersubjective concept that tricked me to use alcohol and drugs for 50 years. Because I myself have caused the disease. Those I sometimes, completely human, blame and sometimes hate, I can forgive them for passably. And I also think, that the day I can forgive myself, I can wholeheartedly forgive them.

Two (or more) ”winghurted birds” help each other with  reflection of experience in the healing process. Yes, so it was once when AA began; An experienced doctor and an experienced strategist, both alcoholic, started a crooked path to what the organization is today. Jordan and Aubrey have themselves learned from AA, and today they are able to missionate better self-esteem. It helps many to come to an understanding when the outer and inner truth meets.

 It has, and there are, numerous prophets, missionaries and ministers who, in an intersubject way, make people come to the knowledge, both in evil and good way. And maybe you and I are one of them? One would like to mediate what one have been up to, or how? But you must also carefully keep in mind that it wont not harm yourself or anyone else! You can forgive yourself (and the higher power that direct you)!
You can always start by controlling your arrogance (high fashion), which may be an ongoing process.

                            This gives me the peace of mind . . .

and; "YOU'RE FORGIVEN" ! ? One thing at a time, take it easy. . . What, where, when, how . . .

Monday, November 19, 2018

Life advice and media reflections

Joe Rogan Experience #1139 – Jordan B Peterson

An interview about experience of life rules. Jordan's discussions give the difference between facts and values in new forms of media, such as scientific factual texts and this YouTube in 3 hours and 20 minutes. How to usually feel fooled by newspaper articles and TV shows. You might prefer this kind of information depending on how you interpret it.
The information we receive is an incredibly small part of all information, so you must take responsibility for the interpretation. Politics is important because it concerns what's going on around us, it's about sift the populist message, facts and visions.
• Set good demands, says that life is hard and full of setbacks; life is not comfortable!
• We have something to learn from the animals
• Switches between the way man is and the right morale
• Uses up googled or arrogant tags.
• Is controversial, has introduced a new ideas debate that has been missing before.

Life is not a single championship, there are many championships every day - encourage to make the most of every situation. You have the greatest responsibility for yourself, nobody else! OK, life is hard, but feeling bad can be a good start to a change.
How well prepared are you for different crises privately and in society? Every individ in the "flock" has a responsibility, such as in the mire stack, bird swarm or fish shoal. And it's definitely no a common, or any else´s God, that can influence this, only your own ”higher power”; The consciousness, the "soul", the energy that is created in your brain etc.
Jordan's philosophy seems to be that all suffering leads to some form of deliverance. And that his painful suffering from his own misuses has shown him not to focus on himself, but to help other in there misuse.
How does your mind change (for example when it have been lieing to you and traying a change)? Regular "small" steps, which will be longer for each day. One step at a time, the most important thing first, make it easy and keep calm.
Small simple things that were previously unimportant are now important for the change. Politics and future dreams are still complicated when you are now honest with yourself. What do you want, how do you and when do you do it? To write down your thoughts, edit the text until you are sure what you want, and think about it again. Think (write and correct) before acting. The more responsibility for your actions you take the more meaning you will find in existence.
My mind, Grant me the Serenty to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can and Wisdom to know the difference.
And again; a good try to fight anguish and depression is to physically make simple things for example clean, bed, dishes, both to yourself and to other person - try and feel.
Today's policy; The way out of political polarization is the individual - and the individual's responsibility for his life - and it's not political.
The discussion about the family is very important. It is up to you to balance your life area that concerns the family (the family can be a woman, man and child but also single with any "closest" individual nearby). And this is a life area that is part of MEFFES (see previous notes if you care).

Friday, November 16, 2018

Twelve rules for living and serving

Before I listen and look at Joe Rogan Experience #1139 - Jordan Peterson I was listen to prodcast #57.
In Jordan's description of his own experience, I recognized myself in youth. "Oh my God" it made me an alcoholic ! ? Or more clearly said; My consciousness gave me obsessions after drinking alcohol.
I (Bosse) came to be characterized by my grandmother's nursing and sense of mind, my grand(dad)mother's creative and rigidity,  my mother's self-absorbed codependency and my father's alcoholism (dead in alcoholism when I was 10 years old) in childhood. In puberty and youth, I sought my own way curiously, while at the same time distancing, with sex, love, religions, passion, drunk, education, suicidal thoughts, escape thoughts, meditation, yoga, seeks and various hobbies (dance, travel, motorsport, swimming etc .) depending on how long my curiosity lasted. Alcohol, adventure and new projects gave me adrenaline kicks.
At the age of 25, Jordan's and my experiences are separated as I continued to grow my alcoholism with regular weekly drank. I prioritized the family, parties, hobbies (travel, dance and various "projects" such as home distillation, new creative ideas, politics) and last priority the profession (which I did, however, approved for 36 years). At the age of 40 some common crises began to be mixed with new experiences and self-realization studies (perhaps because of obsessive thoughts and anxiety). In recent years, thoughts have deepened in part from new experiences, partly studiers from personal leadership, quality development and our different characteristics. The last year I have tried to help an alcoholic and during that trip also discovered my own alcoholism. Unconsciously, I felt ripe to take the step towards "sobriety". And now I try to make the difficult way to live as easily as possible.

The advice that Jordan shares in the podcast is to support those people who "have truly come to a self-knowledge" and can acknowledge their mistakes and fail in an honest way. Being involved when things happen. Avoidance of fixation in social structures. It seems that a higher power called "God" exists, without questioning whether one believes in Him (power in the unconscious). Being responsible (as more or less involved) for the policy in society.

The twelve rules Jordan advises on, I suggest a bit different with "my" English (but not to confuse with AA twelve steps, which is to live a life without alcohol and drugs):

1.      Stand up straight with your shoulders back. / Be safe, stand up for your values.

2.      Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping. ! Treat yourself as someone you are responsible for helping.

3.      Make friends with people who want the best for you. / Become a friend of people who want the best for you.

4.      Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today. / Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with anyone else today.

5.      Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them. / Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them.

6.      Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world. / Put your house in perfect order before criticizing the world.

7.      Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient) . Continue with what is meaningful (not what is expected).

8.      Tell the truth—or, at least, don’t lie. / Tell the truth - or at least do not lie.

9.      Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t. /  Suppose the person you listen to may know something you do not.

10.   Be precise in your speech. /  Be exactly in your speech.

11.   Do not bother children when they are skateboarding. / Don´t disturb children when they ride. a skateboard.

12.   Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street. / Clap a cat when you hit it on the street.

And so, you and my dialogue can also be separated, just hope we do not misunderstand each other. Jordan has recently increased the scope of 42 (coming back with my version ...).

The sadness of the good advice is that they should be built into society so that no one would have to expose themselves to life-threatening trials with anxiety in mind, alcoholism or drug addiction, to try to understand them! It's "politics" to change this!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

GENDER ROLES, the creative difference

There are male and female approaches. In general, the man manages straight on, with short consideration time and comes quickly to the action. The woman likes to try different ways and has a long time to act (usually she leaves the man to take the decision to action).
"Kaos is symbolically associated with the feminine and order of the masculine" ? ? ?
 - The creative difference between male and female; The feminist thought and action approach is based on the defense of the family through careful investigation of risks within the closed circle (a constant circle around the problem, the project without reaching the goal), which is a constantly ongoing process. While the masculine is based on external threats that must be dealt with immediately (a direct decision and decision on the solution of the problem through action).
This phenomenon has evolved over the millennium evolution and has changed in different cultures. But today, it seems that human evolution has been forcing in the last 200 years. We are on a road between Homo Sapiens and Homo Deus, and it will change the creative diversity, both good and evil. It will be a new perspective on male and female! We are on our way, as we have always been ……

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

One of the 2000's MISSIONAR, PROFET or MESSIAS?

Dr. Jordan B Peterson.
Jordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist and tenured professor of psychology at the University of Toronto
Among young angry men, Jordan B Peterson is seen as an intellectual superstar and his self-help book tops the bestseller lists.
One of the 2000's "Jesus" or "Muhammad" who has become famous (and rich) on self-help books?Most people need a "higher power" in some form, and a prophet who communicates the power of power to be able to do the best. Questions and statements are usually sensible, but can also be made knowingly by Jordan.
I have listen to "Experience Ruels to live by"
For at least an hour, discuss, promote and propagate for and against the criticism of books and poscasts; also a way to increase revenue. And in two hours, Jordan presents his views on the advise he has written for self-help.
Is he one of the world's sharpest brains or a reactionary provocator? A straightforward truth owner, or banal self-help guru?
Advice such as: straighten you, do not lie, clean your room, take charge of your actions ... Is not that what mothers, wives, fathers and teachers have said to men for centuries?
Can not a worldview based on archetypes be seen as correct categorical? Is it really that simple ?! - It's the most complicated of everything! We have been trying to get hold of it for tens of thousands of years and can hardly formulate it.
-We think so in categories. The conceptual model is based on almost impenetrable deep ideas from people like Carl Jung.
"We know that stable families with two parents are better for the kids"
"Equal opportunities are a valuable basic principle, but that does not mean the outcome must be equal." The more gender a country is, the greater the personality differences between the sexes?

who is he?

Friday, November 9, 2018

Five Things

 (reflections after listening to Aubrey Marcus podcast # 175)

1. EXPERIENCE WHO YOU TRULY ARE: I’m a monkey-man (Homo Sapiens) of flesh and blood, fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to have a brain that generates an experience of self awareness.  We call this the mind.  But through the relentless and sometimes painful exploration of my own consciousness, I have come to believe something a bit different. 
We are also gods (Homo Deus) with amnesia.  We are born into this dimension of polarity we affectionately call ‘life’ forgetting our heritage, the truth of our existence.  We are told that we are solely our body and the identity that has formed around it, shaped by our personal history.  On one level, this isn’t wrong.  Our body is real, our identity is real enough as well.  But we are much more than that.  We are consciousness, life force, soul, divine self, or whatever your vocabulary permits you to call the eternal traveler that occupies this body in order to learn and experience from the schoolyard of physical manifestation. 
When you claim your true heritage it is an unbelievable feeling.  It is a feeling of connection, love, and the distinct absence of fear. 
So how do you experience yourself as a force of consciousness?  This is very individual and problems occur most often when one is affected ……. and after using drugs and alcohol
Aubrey says that it starts with just a moment where you can feel it. This might happen spontaneously, as some miraculous revelation or satori as it is called in Buddhism.  But typically you need a process.  For me, it has been my work with the great plant medicines and psychedelics.  Feeling my body and my identity stripped away to reveal myself as a being of consciousness--A force of Love as self awareness.  Since experiencing myself as who I am, albeit briefly, I try to do the things to find my way back-to claim a little bit more of my divine essence in my daily life.  Those things include meditation, yoga, ecstatic dance, nature, even sex!  Yes, sex.  Anyone who tries to tell you that sex and divinity should be separate is someone who probably doesn’t know much about either.  I was the person who believed all the talk about ‘spirit’ and the ‘soul’ was the biggest  lie ever peddled.  Then I felt it for the first time, on a vision quest in the mountains, on psilocybin mushrooms. 
IT SOUND LIKE SOME WOO WOO BULLSHIT, if you prefer to do this in a group of siens (Historically, they use drugs in some form). Therefore, I prefer AA programs.  Here I get it. I had no choice but to accept that my old paradigm needed some adjustments. And here I can feel a process. 
So how am I doing with the process of claiming who I am?  Well, some days I feel like I am getting closer, and some days I feel like I will never get there.  But then I remind myself that there is no ‘there’, there is just a now.  I can only be who I truly am now, I cannot be who I truly am in the past or the future.  So I stick with the process, doing my best not to judge myself when I indulge fear or ego, and when I totally forget that I am more than just a body. 
How I see at myself: In my last life, today a bit of it and tomorrow in balance, i hope; I could be manipulative, inspiring, hot, stimulating, disciplined, enthusiastic, opposing, dramatic, selfish and outward (both good and evil). Of course, I could usually adapt to different situations. But if I had drank alcohol, I usually strengthened the properties, and when the energy or curiosity was over, I became introverted. Changes in properties also occur over time and relationship and I am perceived as flexible and adaptable. In the last year, 2018, I have taken the step of helping a Relative from his alcohol problem. And I have come to an unconscious mind that I (myself) have been a risk user and alcoholic for over 50 years. However, I have not become "chemically dependent", did not make a big pussy, but on the other hand, I have been depressed because of an alcohol consumption of more than three liters a month. So after warning bells and insights it became a natural step for me to start attending aa meetings regularly; I do not long for meetings, but I feel very well psychologically after each meeting, which makes me move on. I feel that I have retained my earlier characteristics, but they seem better balanced. And the depression is getting smaller.
And I pray:  My Deus (my deep mind, my Soul, my God, my higher power etc.), . . .  grant me the Serenty to accept the things I can´t change, give me Courage to change the things I can, and let me have the Wisdom to know the difference.

2. OVERCOME YOUR FEAR OF DEATH,  Aubrey Marcus reasoning and reflection ……….
We are all going to die.  But we have our understanding of death all wrong.  Death is a transition out of this dimension, an opportunity to hit the reset button on the momentum of our identity.  As Rumi said, that which strikes the shell, does not harm the pearl.  Our body is the shell, our spirit is the pearl.  We shed this body, but remain entirely intact, free from physical pain, suffering and fear.  But there is a lot about the world that we will miss.  There is no physical love in the dimensions that are not physical.    But guess what?  The more we remain in fear of our own death, the harder it is to enjoy physical love.  We will spend all of our time in the futile effort to bail the water of time from our boat, when inevitably we are all going to sink into the great ocean of Love.  So, we might as well sail, and fish, and feel the wind in our hair, even as each strand turns from brown to gray.     So, how does one overcome the fear of death?  It goes back to number one, you have to experience yourself beyond death.  You have to experience the timeless part of yourself, and trust that this timeless part is actually who you are.  Once you have experienced yourself as pure consciousness, all the way through to your bones, death might be a shame (especially if it comes painfully or unpredictably), but it is not anything that needs to be feared.       For myself, the first time I experienced the release of my fear of death was during my first session with Ayahuasca.  You can read about the experience here.           THERE IS NO RAIN ON THE SKIN, THERE IS NO EMBRACE OF YOUR LOVER, NO SMELL OF COOKIES BAKING IN THE OVEN, NO HOT COFFEE BLENDED WITH FRESH BUTTER, NO FEELING YOUR MUSCLES WORKING UNDER A HEAVY LOAD.
You can find these thoughts in Buddhism, Ayeverda, seeks and other religions. But I find them as insecure cards and try to live in the present one day at a time! But it can happen at me now and then, out of curiosity, trying to teachings .  .  .  .

3. LOVE SOMETHING MORE THAN YOUR LIFE:        In the 1990s, I received the following advice from a psychologist (I even translated them into Serbian in English letters);
1. Speak truth (Govi ​​istinu)
2. Ask for what you want (Pitaj za ono sto zelis)
3. Be Attentive (Budi pozljiv)
4. Take responsibility for your experiences (Preuziti soptvenu odgovornost za tvoje dozivljaj)
5. Keep your agreements (Drzati sporazum)
Only now, twenty years after, I think I can live up to this (because I speak the truth to myself!). Life is a trial and constant learning! But five advice will soon be 42 . . .
Aubrey says: ”If you have never been willing to die for anything, you haven’t truly lived.  It is a feeling of love so powerful that it recalibrates every cell in your being.  It is the moment that we cry in every epic movie, because inside us is a hero that would gladly lay down their life for a world or a person that they love more than their own life.  It is the greatest virtue of the hero and the deepest expression of Love.   So, I ask you my friends, what would you be willing to die for?  Maybe it’s your children.  Your lover.  Whatever it is, find that person, that idea, that thing, and you will have as the cornerstone upon which you build the remainder of your identity.”  And then he go in himself …….
 In the Twelv Steps of AA We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and drugs, came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity and made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. We were entirely ready to have ”a Power higher than myself” remove all these defects of character and humbly asked to remove our shortcomings. We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. Having had a mindfulness awakening as the result of the twelv steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.     This does not work at once, perhaps after a few year. It will allways be hidden there for the rest of your life. The best drug is to go to the meeting and take a day to day.
Be curious about the world and help your fellow human being! In paragraphs four and five, I fully agree with Aubrey.

When I say ‘know’ the world, I mean it in the way the Greek’s used the word gnosis--the definition is something akin to having sex.  This means all the expressions of physical love, including but not limited to sex with another human.  What does it feel like to sit in a mud  bath or a hot spring?
When we leave this world, it is physical love that we will miss.  So soak it up, enjoy everything we have to offer.  Don’t leave this video game without pressing all the buttons.  Who knows how long Earth will be a viable world to experience, so make sure that you really live it. 

5: SHARE YOUR MEDICINE  (This is what Step 12 is about). Neutral feeling is the worst feeling
We all have a gift to give.  I call this ‘medicine’.  It starts with being and manifesting who we truly are.  Then the gift will come naturally.  It is the final stage of the hero’s journey that is called ‘returning with the elixir’.  The medicine could be purely your presence, or how you make others laugh.  It could be song, or speech, or dance, or simply loving a child into existence or easing the suffering of an animal.
That is what I am trying to do here.  That is the reason for every podcast, every blog post, every book that I write.  So thank you for being a part of this journey with me, I wouldn’t do it without you.

Live well !
Take it easy, make it easy, one thing at a time, the most important first, think one day at a time and live and let live well.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Hi, my name is Bosse and I has been a risk user.

When my warning watches have called, during my 50 years as risk user of alcohol, I have sought understanding of my energy in my consciousness, insight into the soul, understanding of our characters, personal leadership and the balance of the different areas of life. There has always been something else in the way.    But now maybe. . .

Although everything seems normal outward, my risk of alcohol has put me down in humility and hesitation.

I have realized that change my life to get peace of my mind and power to realize the changes for a life without alcohol and drugs.

I have in 2018 come to a stage in life when it is time to "put down the foot".

Oh my God, it made me an alcoholic, my Deus!