Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The mountain we climb up on.

Amanda Gorman's vision?                                See Note.

To understand Amanda Gorman's poem (perhaps the 2036 presidential candidate in the United States), I have updated the poem to a text written in a (currently) more "civilized" shade. And so, "Him/She" has relocated the "nation" to Sweden, once the most democratic country on earth (a process that varies with time).

                    We climb upwards in visions and realities!

We ask ourselves, where can we find light in this infinitely color-changing shadow?

The loss we bear, we have to wade over a snarled wetland with.

We have defied the belly of the beast, we have learned that "quiet" is not always calm, and that the norms and concepts of what just exists are not always fair.

And yet it was our start, even though we did not know it.

But somehow, we do.

Somehow, we have weathered and witnessed a country that works. But the country is simply unfinished. And it's an ongoing process.

We are heirs in a country and a time where a girl can come from a patriarchy, and be upraised by a single mother, who can dream of becoming a leader just to recite herself as one.

We are far from cultured. We are far from blameless.

But that does not mean that we strive to form a country that is perfect. We strive to create a country, with the aim of putting together a country that is committed to all cultures, colors, characters and the condition that man does not harm any other individual    💟  !

And so, we look up, not to what is between us, but to what is in front of us.

We close down disagreements because we know how to put our future first, but we must first put our differences aside.

We lower our arms so that we can extend our arms towards each other.


Understanding and life goals:

 We do not want to hurt anyone, and seek harmony for all.

Let the world, if nothing else, say that this is true;

because even though we suffered, we grew,

because even though it hurt, we hoped,

for even when we were tiring, we tried,

because we will forever be bound together, winning.

Not because we will never feel defeat again,

but because we will never again divide into enemies.

The stories try to tell us what to think;

That everyone can sit under their own Oak and smell the flowers, and that nothing should frightened them.

If we are to live up to our own time, then victory is not the first priority.

In all the bridges we have built, we get promises to glide on the hill we climb up for.

If we only dare!

And also, what we have failed in Sweden we inherited, and we then also have the responsibility to repair it.

We see a force that could crush our country, rather than divide it. Should our country be destroyed, it means less democracy?

But while democracy can be delayed at regular intervals, it can never be defeated permanently; this truth is this belief we must trust!

Because as we look into the future, history looks at us. But now it's time for a fair birth that worries us at the start. We did not feel prepared to be heirs at such a frightening time, but within us we found the power to write a new chapter.

We offer ourselves hope and a smile to ourselves.


So, when we once asked ourselves how we could control catastrophes and injustices, we sought the answer. Now we claim; how can injustices possibly rule over us?

We never go back to what was, but move to what should be!

A country that is affronted but whole, generous but carefully daring, angular and free.

We will not be converted or interrupted by threats, because we know our passivity and inertia. And that will be the legacy of the next generation.

               Our mistakes become the burdens of the next generation.

But one thing is for sure, if we combine mercy with power in the right way, then love will be our heritage that can change our children's birthright.

So, let's leave this country behind us better than we came to.

Every breath from my red-flaming breasts wants that;

We will shape the wounded world into a wonderful world.

We will rise from the start of Europe's equality.

We will rise from the windy northwest of the continent, where our ancestors first realized the creative power of the revolution.

We will rise from the Scandinavian countries where democracy operates.

We will rise from the lush forests. We will rebuild, unite and recover.

And in all corners of our country, our varied people will emerge cautiously, lagomand nicely.

When the day comes, we step out of the shadows, glowing and fearless, and when we release it, the new dawn blooms.

For there is always light;

If only we were brave enough to see it.

If only we were brave enough to be.



This text may be understood by those who care. But for the "ordinary man" it is too extensive and deep. And it is the opposite for those who really need to change! It would be interesting to see an pedagogically more psychologically designed text for those who really need to change in heart and soul. Man is complex, a mystery with emotions, consciousness, soul and body that are very different.

lagomis a Swedish word for well balance.


  1. Anteckningar pÄ svenska den 2/2-21, del 1

    Vi klÀttrar uppÄt i visioner och realiteter!

    Vi frÄgar oss sjÀlva, var kan vi hitta ljus i denna oÀndligt fÀrgskiftande skugga?
    Förlusten vi bÀr pÄ, mÄste vi vada över ett snÄrigt trÀsk med.
    Vi har trotsat vilddjurets mage, vi har lĂ€rt oss att ”tyst” inte alltid Ă€r lugnt, och att normerna och förestĂ€llningarna av vad som bara finns inte alltid Ă€r rĂ€ttvist.
    Och ÀndÄ var starten vÄr, Àven om vi inte visste det.
    Men pÄ nÄgot sÀtt gör vi det.
    PÄ nÄgot sÀtt har vi vittrat och bevittnat ett land som fungerar. Men landet Àr helt enkelt ofÀrdigt. Och det Àr en stÀndigt pÄgÄende process.
    Vi Àr arvingar i ett land och en tid dÀr en tjej kan hÀrstammar frÄn ett patriarkat och uppfostrats av en ensamstÄende mor, som kan drömma om att bli ledare bara för att deklamera sig sjÀlv som en.
    Vi Àr lÄngt ifrÄn kultiverade. Vi Àr lÄngt ifrÄn oskuldsfulla.
    Men det betyder inte att vi strÀvar efter att bilda ett land som Àr perfekt. Vi strÀvar efter att skapa ett land, med syftet att sÀtta samman ett land, som Àr förpliktat till alla kulturer, fÀrger, karaktÀrer och villkoret att mÀnniskan inte skadar nÄgon annan individ!
    Och sÄ lyfter vi blicken, inte till det som stÄr mellan oss, utan till det som stÄr framför oss.
    Vi stÀnger ned oenigheterna mot varandra för att vi vet att sÀtta vÄr framtid först, men vi mÄste först lÀgga vÄra skillnader Ät sidan.
    Vi sÀnker armarna sÄ att vi kan strÀcka ut armarna mot varandra.

  2. Anteckningar pÄ svenska den 2/2-21

    Berget vi klÀttrar uppför. Del 2

    Som kommentar, finns hĂ€r den svenska texten som kan redigeras otaliga gĂ„nger för att forma den mer objektiv………….

    FörstÄelse och livsmÄl:
    Vi vill inte skada nÄgon, och söker harmoni Ät alla.
    LÄt vÀrlden, om inget annat, sÀga att detta Àr sant;
    för att Àven om vi led, vÀxte vi,
    för Àven om det gjorde ont, hoppades vi,
    för Àven nÀr vi tröttande, försökte vi,
    för att vi för alltid kommer att vara bundna tillsammans, vinnande.
    Inte för att vi aldrig mer kommer att kÀnna nederlag,
    men för att vi aldrig mer kommer att dela upp oss i fiender.
    Liknelserna försöker sÀga till oss vad vi ska tÀnka oss;
    Att alla kan sitta under sin egen Ek och lukta pÄ blommorna,
    och att inget ska göra dem rÀdda.
    Om vi ska leva upp till vÄr egen tid, dÄ ligger inte segern i först hand.
    I alla broar vi byggt, fÄr vi löften om att glida pÄ kullen vi klÀttrar upp för.

    Om vi bara vÄgar!
    Även det vi har misslyckats med i Sverige Ă€rvde vi, och vi har dĂ„ ocksĂ„ ansvaret för att reparera det.
    Vi ser en kraft som skulle kunna krossa vÄrt land, snarare Àn att dela det. Skulle vÄrt land förstöras, innebÀr det mindre demokrati.
    Men medan demokrati kan fördröjas med jÀmna mellanrum, kan den aldrig besegras permanent; denna sanning Àr denna tro vi mÄste lita pÄ!
    För medan vi ser in i framtiden, betraktar historien oss. Men nu Àr det tid för en rÀttvis förlossning som oroar vid starten. Vi kÀnde oss inte beredda att vara arvtagare till en sÄ skrÀmmande tid, men inom oss fann vi makten att författa ett nytt kapitel.
    Vi erbjuder oss ett hopp och leende Ät oss sjÀlva.

    SÄ nÀr vi en gÄng frÄgade oss hur skulle vi kunna rÄda över katastroferna och orÀttvisorna sökte vi svaret. Nu hÀvdar vi; hur kan orÀttvisor eventuellt rÄda över oss?
    Vi gÄr aldrig tillbaka till det som var, utan flyttar till vad som ska vara!
    Ett land som Àr krÀnkt men helt, vÀlvilligt men försiktigt djÀrvt, kantigt och fritt.
    Vi kommer inte att omvÀndas eller avbryts av hotelser, eftersom vi kÀnner till vÄr passivitet och tröghet. Och det kommer att vara arvet till nÀsta generation.

    VÄra misstag blir nÀsta generations bördor.
    Men en sak Àr sÀker, om vi slÄr samman barmhÀrtighet med makt pÄ rÀtt sÀtt, dÄ blir kÀrlek vÄrt arv som kan Àndra vÄra barns födelserÀtt.
    SÄ lÄt oss lÀmna detta land bakom oss bÀttre Àn det vi kom till.
    Varje andetag frÄn mitt rödflammigt klappande bröst vill att;
    Vi kommer att forma den sÄrade vÀrlden till en underbar vÀrld.
    Vi kommer att stiga upp frÄn Europas jÀmnlikhetsstart.
    Vi kommer att stiga upp frÄn kontinentens blÄsiga nordvÀst, dÀr vÄra förfÀder först insÄg revolutionens skaparkraft.
    Vi kommer att stiga upp frÄn de skandinaviska lÀnderna dÀr demokratin verkar.
    Vi kommer att stiga upp frÄn de grönskande skogarna. Vi kommer att bygga om, förena och ÄterhÀmta oss.
    Och i alla hörn av vÄrt land, kommer vÄrt mÄngsidiga folk att försiktigt dyka upp, lagom och fint.
    NÀr dagen kommer, kliver vi ut ur skuggan, glödande och orÀdda, och nÀr vi frigör den, blommar den nya gryningen.

    För det finns alltid ljus;
    Om vi bara Àr modiga nog för att se det.
    Om vi bara Àr modiga nog för att vara det.

  3. and here is the poem in the original (2 parts)

    Original poem den 7 Januari 2021, kopierat frÄn DN
    (part 1)
    When day comes we ask ourselves,
    where can we find light in this never-ending shade?
    The loss we carry,
    a sea we must wade.
    We've braved the belly of the beast,
    We've learned that quiet isn't always peace,
    and the norms and notions
    of what just is
    isn't always just-ice.
    And yet the dawn is ours
    before we knew it.
    Somehow we do it.
    Somehow we've weathered and witnessed
    a nation that isn't broken,
    but simply unfinished.
    We the successors of a country and a time
    where a skinny Black girl
    descended from slaves and raised by a single mother
    can dream of becoming president
    only to find herself reciting for one.
    And yes we are far from polished.
    Far from pristine.
    But that doesn't mean we are
    striving to form a union that is perfect.
    We are striving to forge a union with purpose,
    to compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and
    conditions of man.
    And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us,
    but what stands before us.
    We close the divide because we know, to put our future first,
    we must first put our differences aside.
    We lay down our arms
    so we can reach out our arms
    to one another.

  4. Original poem, kopierat frÄn DN (part 2)

    We seek harm to none and harmony for all.
    Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true,
    that even as we grieved, we grew,
    that even as we hurt, we hoped,
    that even as we tired, we tried,
    that we'll forever be tied together, victorious.
    Not because we will never again know defeat,
    but because we will never again sow division.
    Scripture tells us to envision
    that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree
    and no one shall make them afraid.
    If we're to live up to our own time,
    then victory won't lie in the blade.
    But in all the bridges we've made,
    that is the promise to glade,
    the hill we climb.
    If only we dare.
    It's because being American is more than a pride we inherit,
    it's the past we step into
    and how we repair it.
    We've seen a force that would shatter our nation
    rather than share it.
    Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy.
    And this effort very nearly succeeded.
    But while democracy can be periodically delayed,
    it can never be permanently defeated.
    In this truth,
    in this faith we trust.
    For while we have our eyes on the future,
    history has its eyes on us.
    This is the era of just redemption
    we feared at its inception.
    We did not feel prepared to be the heirs
    of such a terrifying hour
    but within it we found the power
    to author a new chapter.
    To offer hope and laughter to ourselves.
    So while once we asked,
    how could we possibly prevail over catastrophe?
    Now we assert,
    How could catastrophe possibly prevail over us?
    We will not march back to what was,
    but move to what shall be.
    A country that is bruised but whole,
    benevolent but bold,
    fierce and free.
    We will not be turned around
    or interrupted by intimidation,
    because we know our inaction and inertia
    will be the inheritance of the next generation.
    Our blunders become their burdens.
    But one thing is certain,
    If we merge mercy with might,
    and might with right,
    then love becomes our legacy,
    and change our children's birthright.
    So let us leave behind a country
    better than the one we were left with.
    Every breath from my bronze-pounded chest,
    we will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one.
    We will rise from the gold-limbed hills of the west.
    We will rise from the windswept northeast,
    where our forefathers first realized revolution.
    We will rise from the lake-rimmed cities of the midwestern states.
    We will rise from the sunbaked south.
    We will rebuild, reconcile and recover.
    And every known nook of our nation and
    every corner called our country,
    our people diverse and beautiful will emerge,
    battered and beautiful.
    When day comes we step out of the shade,
    aflame and unafraid,
    the new dawn blooms as we free it.
    For there is always light,
    if only we're brave enough to see it.
    If only we're brave enough to be it.

  5. Och andra översÀttningar kan tolkas sÄ hÀr:

    Vi, arvtagarna till ett land och i en tid
    DĂ€r en mager svart flicka,
    Vars Àtt varit förslavad, och som danats av en
    ensamstÄende mamma,
    Kan drömma om att bli president,
    Och bli bjuden att recitera för en.

    Att komponera en nation som skÀnker sin kraft
    Åt alla kulturer, kulörer och karaktĂ€rer,
    Och mÀnskliga villkor.
    Att vara amerikan betyder mer Àn
    stoltheten som ligger i blodet –
    Vi kliver in i vÄr historia och ordnar
    SÄ kan vi lÀmna efter oss ett land som Àr bÀttre
    Àn det som lÀmnats oss.
    Med varje pust frÄn vÄrt bröst av hamrad brons,
    Upplyfter vi denna plÄgade plats
    till ett paradis.
