Friday, February 26, 2021

Supposed terrorism


You must be as you are, If you did not become as you should be!      But? !

   However, if it can harm another individual, it requires care and a reasonably balanced rehabilitation.

There are a large number (over 300 different) diagnoses for the syndrome, some of which cause chaos in our society due to misunderstanding, omission or imbalance in MEFFES (see previous notes). But with many terrorists and criminals, there is no diagnosis, it is pure unbridled conscious evil.

Perceived terrorism observed? Accelerationists and Islamists.

Society's measures so far: Is that enough? Suggestions for update?

Democratic societies need to build a broad resilience to this threat.

Democratic values ​​need to be broadly cemented in society in order for individuals' radicalization to be better prevented.

Removing disinformation, conspiracy theories, hateful content and violent extremist propaganda from major social media platforms has in recent years become a significant issue in the work against violent extremism, as well as in the Western political debate.

Several attempts have been made to exclude violent right-wing extremists from various online platforms, which has to some extent reduced their presence there.

Limiting the reach of pro-violence extremists is a complex and important challenge for law enforcement agencies and media companies, and requires the cooperation of these actors. Reducing the growth of pro-violence extremism does not only require repressive measures by security services and police authorities in the form of, for example, covert coercive measures or custodial measures. These need to be complemented by softer measures, both online and offline.


Towards individuals who have already been radicalized, harsh measures are required. But there is also a need for soft, preventive measures, such as "creating societal resilience to the ideas of societal collapse and exaggerated contradictions."

The state of pandemic's state of emergency is, of course, fertile ground for accelerationism. A good reason to avoid a hard lockdown and to keep schools open as far as possible.

The terrorist attacks seem to be designed to get as much attention as possible. The attacks were broadcast live, for example, online.

Civil war - throughout the West - is the target of terrorism. This should be done by increasing the division in society, creating an atmosphere of fear and thereby inciting people to resort to violence against each other.

Radical Islamists are adept at catching young people worried about Islamophobia, and radical nationalists are just as quick to turn people's legitimate concerns about jihadists into xenophobia.


The extremes are interdependent - they are shadow twins that grow together and give birth to each other.

CIA warns that the threat from both Islamist terrorism and the far right is growing.

On the Internet, the boundaries between the violent white power milieu and the more salacious radical nationalists are blurred. It can increase the risk of right-wing extremist lone wolves going from net hatred to action. "The fact that the white power environment and the looser xenophobic environment are approaching each other can be a driving force for individuals to commit xenophobic motivated crimes."

Swedish society must be able to meet the threats from three sides at the same time: from the Islamists, who still pose the greatest terrorist threat, from the extreme right, which seems to be becoming increasingly violent, and from the autonomous left, which works long-term to undermine democracy.

It is up to all of us, the majority in the middle, to stop them. Do not spread the extremists' conspiracies. Do not look at each other with their eyes. Remember that it is in the difficult, dark moments that humanity is most felt.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

The coming?

 Let's shape the future with a civilized conversation

Individual freedoms and rights, democracy, market economy and tolerance are fundamental values. Exactly where one lands on various issues depends on preferences and priorities, but also on human views and worldviews. Arguments must be broken against each other, and it is an intellectual honor to listen to the best objections of your opponents, and reconsider your position and conclusions - while being confident in your values ​​and standing up for them. That who are happening - and that who not are done - needs to be described and discussed in the public domain. Otherwise suspicion, dissatisfaction and stagnation arise, where everyone is a loser.

Man's ability to cooperate and converse are two key factors that our humanity has risen from poverty, hunger and insecurity. Yuval Noah Harari has described this well in his books "Sapiens" and "Homo Deus". He emphasizes that we are now facing a choice of path that will determine how well the world recovers when the pandemic subsides: Create international synergies - or close inwards?

Today we live with institutions that developed during the Middle Ages and have a technology that our brains and our consciousness cannot grasp. These conditions have consequences for our health, for democracy, for the environment, etc. We are on the verge of letting technology get into our bodies where AI (Artificial Intelligence) has the ability to give us satisfaction and predictability in life but also potentially to take control.


The open society is threatened from a number of perspectives.

Not least the dictatorship of China challenges all people on earth with abuse and shadowing people on a large scale. And do not think that it only concerns those who live in the Middle Kingdom. China is the world's largest workshop and many Western companies have invested there. Chinese in the diaspora must report home to the Communist Party and the internet is global. We live in mutual dependence with a growing beast.

Putin's despotism in Russia and Lukashenko's violence in Belarus also affect the security situation here. As well as, of course, the nationalist movement in Europe and the United States. The open society has internal enemies. And they mean what they say and are prepared to resort to violence. There is a second Cold War, which will fundamentally affect the coming decades: individual versus collective, democracy versus dictatorship, optimism versus pessimism. And these tensions are also present in our country, which is noticeable in a polarized and aggressive conversation. Friends and families are divided over disagreements about both what reality looks like and where we are going. Meeting again is not facilitated by a fragmented and digitized world where we all find different information and images, selected by algorithms and like-minded friends. Fake news and conspiracy theories further disturb the view.

The truth is endangered in the information society. The feeling of a we and them is also strengthened by the instinct to want to belong to a group, which is why we are attracted to facts and stories that support our own perception or thing.

In addition, there is a postmodern paradigm in many universities - a perception that everything depends on what perspective you have.

But there is an objective truth and facts. These should be sought after and respected.

At the same time, positive things are happening; The technical development is phenomenal. Just think of what it would have been like to have to endure the pandemic without the internet and mobiles. Without e-commerce and streaming services. Without social media and video tools. Work, leisure, eating habits, exercise, housing, travel - and perhaps even life choices - are changed by the prevailing corona existence. In several ways for the better and these we can keep when we can meet again physically. Self-driving vehicles, learning machines, robots, artificial intelligence and the "internet of things" will continue to revolutionize our way of life in the near future.

It is up to everyone to use the tools in the best way. To be curious, to orientate oneself, to be civilized, to show consideration, to find one's own lifestyle and to be a good citizen.


It can be good to question and seek the right answers.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Cheating and quality control


About lies, fakes and cheating; follow-up, control, tasks, dialogue, foot shackles and eavesdrop in controlled forms.

The demands for democracy are based on the "normal" people, and are disturbed by a few aggressive "evil" networks and individuals; Where is the pedagogy to balance these? Well, you might find clues in previous (and upcoming) notes here.


Where in society do we find the most suitable informants for extremely divergent individuals? Perhaps in those who have been there themselves, and/or through studies and self-experiences matured into insights into the shortcomings of oppression, coercion, despotism, fascism, nazism, islamism, fullness of power, dictatorship and self-rule.

We find socially harmful activists at; Ideologies such as "white power" and "islamism", extremists and the mafia lined by economic crime, football-hooligans, street gangs engaged in anti-social activities and object-oriented Mc-gangs and extreme networks. Many of these have announced that they want to "jump off" the criminal world; make demands and provide meaningful information in a developing process!

Humanity is obliged to make peace; Action and Arrangements? (in the US they still have the belief that it is with weapons you protect yourself, and it does not work very well, right!)

Update and build organizations that ensure a democratic society. Use shackles and eavesdropping. First, make sure that those who have nothing to hide in the stuff, does not lose anything on the use. Plan with an open collaboration information and action plans in parallel with meaningful education and employment towards a well-balanced community fee.

This (?) "markets" itself best by letting those, who have succeeded in being freed from "economic and political criminals", voluntarily put-on foot shackles and allow themselves to be "intercepted" transactions proceedings. But these need a functioning Controller team around them! Take the example from today's demands for "dissent", where the government demands to inform about the Corona pandemic; the next step is information and preaching about "democracy" (of course in a society-controlled form!).

Team management; Grab the "saboteur" directly during the "exercise"! Give carrot and use positive force! Invite kindness! Imprison with foot shackles! Give positive therapy treatment! Information processing! Give the carrot that is being analyzed! Focus on certain areas and see it all. Continue with updated treatment until results are given!

Add (implement) a "controller" function in government and business. The function shall cooperate and be financed by tax funds, ½ each. The requirements the function must place on tax-financed companies (state, regional, municipal and private) and individual beneficiaries are that quality and ethical principles are followed equally by the users; the cheaters must be banned! Controller is an open, honest, competitive and above all a democratic function that can be advocated by all law-abiding people. Controller examines the extremes and suggests balanced solutions. Controller looks after the whole for society.



Which "characters", experiences and educations can then work for the evil and insecurity in society?

Team with "civilization-adapted" born in the U-area or dictatorships, environmental educators and health educators.

Team with former. criminal informants, social informants, entrepreneurial therapists.

Team with former addicts, educational supervisors, ……

Teams with politician-controllers, controllers-supervisors, IT-controllers, Media-controllers, …….

Team with finance educators, finance controllers, …….

Collaborative Team with leader-, trainer- and informant-characters, who accept adequate control.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The mountain we climb up on.

Amanda Gorman's vision?                                See Note.

To understand Amanda Gorman's poem (perhaps the 2036 presidential candidate in the United States), I have updated the poem to a text written in a (currently) more "civilized" shade. And so, "Him/She" has relocated the "nation" to Sweden, once the most democratic country on earth (a process that varies with time).

                    We climb upwards in visions and realities!

We ask ourselves, where can we find light in this infinitely color-changing shadow?

The loss we bear, we have to wade over a snarled wetland with.

We have defied the belly of the beast, we have learned that "quiet" is not always calm, and that the norms and concepts of what just exists are not always fair.

And yet it was our start, even though we did not know it.

But somehow, we do.

Somehow, we have weathered and witnessed a country that works. But the country is simply unfinished. And it's an ongoing process.

We are heirs in a country and a time where a girl can come from a patriarchy, and be upraised by a single mother, who can dream of becoming a leader just to recite herself as one.

We are far from cultured. We are far from blameless.

But that does not mean that we strive to form a country that is perfect. We strive to create a country, with the aim of putting together a country that is committed to all cultures, colors, characters and the condition that man does not harm any other individual    💟  !

And so, we look up, not to what is between us, but to what is in front of us.

We close down disagreements because we know how to put our future first, but we must first put our differences aside.

We lower our arms so that we can extend our arms towards each other.


Understanding and life goals:

 We do not want to hurt anyone, and seek harmony for all.

Let the world, if nothing else, say that this is true;

because even though we suffered, we grew,

because even though it hurt, we hoped,

for even when we were tiring, we tried,

because we will forever be bound together, winning.

Not because we will never feel defeat again,

but because we will never again divide into enemies.

The stories try to tell us what to think;

That everyone can sit under their own Oak and smell the flowers, and that nothing should frightened them.

If we are to live up to our own time, then victory is not the first priority.

In all the bridges we have built, we get promises to glide on the hill we climb up for.

If we only dare!

And also, what we have failed in Sweden we inherited, and we then also have the responsibility to repair it.

We see a force that could crush our country, rather than divide it. Should our country be destroyed, it means less democracy?

But while democracy can be delayed at regular intervals, it can never be defeated permanently; this truth is this belief we must trust!

Because as we look into the future, history looks at us. But now it's time for a fair birth that worries us at the start. We did not feel prepared to be heirs at such a frightening time, but within us we found the power to write a new chapter.

We offer ourselves hope and a smile to ourselves.


So, when we once asked ourselves how we could control catastrophes and injustices, we sought the answer. Now we claim; how can injustices possibly rule over us?

We never go back to what was, but move to what should be!

A country that is affronted but whole, generous but carefully daring, angular and free.

We will not be converted or interrupted by threats, because we know our passivity and inertia. And that will be the legacy of the next generation.

               Our mistakes become the burdens of the next generation.

But one thing is for sure, if we combine mercy with power in the right way, then love will be our heritage that can change our children's birthright.

So, let's leave this country behind us better than we came to.

Every breath from my red-flaming breasts wants that;

We will shape the wounded world into a wonderful world.

We will rise from the start of Europe's equality.

We will rise from the windy northwest of the continent, where our ancestors first realized the creative power of the revolution.

We will rise from the Scandinavian countries where democracy operates.

We will rise from the lush forests. We will rebuild, unite and recover.

And in all corners of our country, our varied people will emerge cautiously, lagomand nicely.

When the day comes, we step out of the shadows, glowing and fearless, and when we release it, the new dawn blooms.

For there is always light;

If only we were brave enough to see it.

If only we were brave enough to be.



This text may be understood by those who care. But for the "ordinary man" it is too extensive and deep. And it is the opposite for those who really need to change! It would be interesting to see an pedagogically more psychologically designed text for those who really need to change in heart and soul. Man is complex, a mystery with emotions, consciousness, soul and body that are very different.

lagomis a Swedish word for well balance.