Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Swede

We live on the edge of the Oresund region in Scandinavia. The country we live in is called Sweden and other Europeans designates us as Swedes, with its pros and cons of a European cooperation. There are prejudices about the "Swede" drinking too much, dress badly, talk too little and are afraid of conflict, and often underestimate their culture and history. The great thing about "The Swede" is open, honest and keeps his word. Moreover, we takes a lot of confidence, has great integrity are highly literate and interested environment. Why are we like this? Well, we are an old democracy that is still under development. We have had peace for over 200 years, and this means that we have difficulty understanding the people who have recently been at war.
But we are now part of a continent where we have free movement of people, capital, goods and services. We are also on track to gain freedom for knowledge. We hope to see a Europe where people in every country see itself as much as the Europeans who live in his own country; it has been for previous generations had experienced very difficult. The youth of today have the ability to see themselves, at the same time, as "The Swede in a well-developed Regions" and the Europeans.
And we want to continue to live where you have freedom with responsibility and empowerment, also when the EU is extended to all European countries. Sure, we can take on part of both the negative and the positive criticism on us. But a Swedish in the Oresund Region and one in Swedish Norrland differ as widely as Estonians and Hungarians. Differences enrich knowledge and prevent narrow-mindness.

Today's word;

We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.

It is the profound ignorance that provokes the cocksure tone.

Comments; For us, the nation, "Sweden" is an area where the residents themselves decided on the rules of democratic design. The symbol (King) of Sweden may be worn at the edges, but which inhabitants is not that?

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