The idea that what makes life worth living must be recreated outside society's rules, and it requires an inexhaustible creativity.We live in a society that has made it possible for us to live as free, sentient individuals. We live in a promising and complex period in which the clan society should maintain a presence in history. The trend in society is an ever increasing quest to get it well on its own behalf. But equally important for us is to feel responsible for others and our surroundings. When you focus on the meaning of life, you can nevertheless focus on what makes us happy or what morality requires of us (who is also a term for life sentence). The most meaningful life can actually be a life that is both moral and happy at the same time, and then maybe we can be happy for real. To maintain comfort requires a degree of unease in the scheme. We may partially accept to live in a world that is a provisional one; nothing is permanent, nothing can be justified in depth, and no metaphysical questions can be answered. As long as there is a consensus that this provisional license is preferred, it will work fine. Such a society can be far more free and creative than a society built on authoritarian principles, but in the focus has it, after all, a bubble of emptiness, which all too easily be filled with ideologies, that hate this provisional liberty.
The History is excellent in the role as something to define them against; the liberation from the previous century ghost-authoritarian values (which also has its basis in the first millennium, when politics and religion were in power together). Repetition of these rituals, which is more than a mother of knowledge, means that we are becoming more able to sympathize with the right side in the past conflicts, but also increasingly ill prepared to deal with the difficulties we will meet; for this it requires happiness in everyday life. We are goal-oriented beings, created for the activity. And activities, there is! Good close relationships, friendship, love, work (or any meaningful employment) and a socially and physically active leisure has a large effect on welfare. We focus at more attention on other than ourselves; we experience peace of mind and a get more positive view of others. This strengthens our sense of belonging and meaning. A major culprit is the advertising industry, since its job is to make us dissatisfied with what we have and what we are; we should examine this with great morals. Important for meaningfulness, is also, that we have a central life goal, something we are passionate about, and that we are part of a larger context. The fight against poverty and oppression, for a better environment and animal welfare are meaningful units. Our life must be related to us in an understandable way, have a common thread that makes us see the big picture. The big dividing line between the objective of promoting yourself and the goal to benefit others is a present question.
Days word; Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that`s why they call it the present
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