Monday, August 8, 2011
High democracy moral
Which identity do we need to build our society? The diversity that community needs, must there also be social glue that forms the basis for solidarity among citizens. If the individual is able to feel something for a larger group there will be a fixed point to start from, a sense of security; this will of course be inclusive and not shut out anyone because of culture, ethnicity or religion. In today's global world, we need to start discussing what values our identity should be built so that it can be inclusive. One have to starting from the below, from individual rights but also obligations. You have to see your own responsibility for the larger whole so there is something to build a society on.
Today’s word; Just as it needs layers to maintain a high morale, so are there needed high moral standards to uphold the laws, of a true democracy.
OBS! This text needs more knowledge; it is not complete and will never be finish, just like democracy
Here are some blocks; cometence, sincerity, kindness, commitment, credibility, responsiveness, confidence, trust, flexibility
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The Swede
But we are now part of a continent where we have free movement of people, capital, goods and services. We are also on track to gain freedom for knowledge. We hope to see a Europe where people in every country see itself as much as the Europeans who live in his own country; it has been for previous generations had experienced very difficult. The youth of today have the ability to see themselves, at the same time, as "The Swede in a well-developed Regions" and the Europeans.
And we want to continue to live where you have freedom with responsibility and empowerment, also when the EU is extended to all European countries. Sure, we can take on part of both the negative and the positive criticism on us. But a Swedish in the Oresund Region and one in Swedish Norrland differ as widely as Estonians and Hungarians. Differences enrich knowledge and prevent narrow-mindness.

Today's word;
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
It is the profound ignorance that provokes the cocksure tone.
Comments; For us, the nation, "Sweden" is an area where the residents themselves decided on the rules of democratic design. The symbol (King) of Sweden may be worn at the edges, but which inhabitants is not that?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Treat yourself this speech.

We do treat you that!
Today's word; The only person you can change is yourself!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Joy Jump
The History is excellent in the role as something to define them against; the liberation from the previous century ghost-authoritarian values (which also has its basis in the first millennium, when politics and religion were in power together). Repetition of these rituals, which is more than a mother of knowledge, means that we are becoming more able to sympathize with the right side in the past conflicts, but also increasingly ill prepared to deal with the difficulties we will meet; for this it requires happiness in everyday life. We are goal-oriented beings, created for the activity. And activities, there is! Good close relationships, friendship, love, work (or any meaningful employment) and a socially and physically active leisure has a large effect on welfare. We focus at more attention on other than ourselves; we experience peace of mind and a get more positive view of others. This strengthens our sense of belonging and meaning. A major culprit is the advertising industry, since its job is to make us dissatisfied with what we have and what we are; we should examine this with great morals. Important for meaningfulness, is also, that we have a central life goal, something we are passionate about, and that we are part of a larger context. The fight against poverty and oppression, for a better environment and animal welfare are meaningful units. Our life must be related to us in an understandable way, have a common thread that makes us see the big picture. The big dividing line between the objective of promoting yourself and the goal to benefit others is a present question.
Days word; Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that`s why they call it the present
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Contemporary relationship
Many theories have changed sides between positive and negative about our sexuality. Women were considered to be the partner that had the strongest sex drive to just around the 1700's. Ancient older men had as much sex with boys as with women, and medieval women who had sex with each other, took off in the witch hunt. Religion, as in so much else the last millennium, has shaped the relations between men and women, and that it forbade homosexuality. This has also, like the transition from economic marriage to love marriage in the 1700s, influenced the individual's attitude to masturbation. The church could, for example, allow the woman masturbate, but only when intercourse. For the man it was considered dangerous to violate a high number of orgasms, and some religions advocate abstinence (which always leads to a double morality). The man could have worse eyesight and bad memory of too much sex. The children could be born deformed in too much sex and unusual sexual positions. Children were present role, just as a child, first in the 1600's and respect for the sexual maturation process is still under development.
In a healthy society, there is mutual respect for each other's sexuality. For unacceptable compliance, the fellow human beings and society's are duty to curb this through education and therapy. Described the behavior as sick, we have to fix it medical, type chemical castration, all for the security of society. In an unbiased and enlightened society, there is a sexual freedom within the framework so as not to disturb other people - then sexuality also give us; Increased life expectancy, improved concentration, sense of smell improved, and has a calming effect. Provides a rejuvenating effect, is a good heart rate training and strengthens the immune system.
A life is counted as three generations before and three generations after a mankind. That time did it also go to see the changes in sexuality? Today’s enlightenment is considerably faster and should then reasonably also increase the security of our society!
Healthy sexuality is that which is to the benefit of the parties involved, and not destroy (for) other people, either physically or mentally. It's a bit like the concept of sin: It was developed in the best of intentions, but the power of greedy psychopaths in Liveliness and policies made it a weapon that they hit people at the head with. Sin is when you intentionally, or through gross ignorance, cause other people harm, and/or significant inconvenience. In the ideal society we would not have any Ghost, and ethics and morality would be based on reality and not on ideological/dogmatic drivel. In the ideal society would people be happy and antidepressants would not be needed. In the ideal society would not prefer to rest any stale about sexuality, which is a normal function in both humans and animals.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Troth, Hope and Love
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Nenad Stevanović: What life lessons are unintuitive or go against co...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Physical life

Country Mass experiment with questions;
Who are the two different land masses
which are assembled here?
How would humanity life, in this field, have looked like, if man has been governed more by nature instead of human gluttony ?
How could humanity shape its own power if individuals is governed by the civilized empowerment (deadly sins superseded by today's virtues) with nature as a driver ?
Today’s word; We all live under the same sky, but we are not all having the same horizon and Mankind must put an end to war, or war will end mankind.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Our new economy

- pressure on the CC for translation.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Empowerment for forwards
Empowerment in a community are based on the quality of life. It takes generations to update, but it is possible. In the 2000s this will go much faster than it did the last thousand years. Many individuals, droven by overconsumption and the law of hate, will put many trouble in this wheel. But in hate are nothing real positive to download, so the logical thought from the individual's empowerment, will be crucial for a positive progress on this path.
What can I learn from the examples by different conspiracy theories like Zeitgeists 2007 - 2011, Religious updated myths as the Bible and such religious theories, political theories like "New Chronology ", the analyses old Swedish laws and "The New World Order" (UN)?
Speed of ½ round per millennium

It took Sweden, at least 200 years, to get this kind of democracy we have today, and much remains. Thanks to today's information flow, the corresponding process might only take perhaps 20 years in the Arabic world. The only question is how much kaos and killing the glocal and global operating environment allows. If the Arabism takes some of the lessons of today's experiment with democracy in Europe so should religious conflicts and war acts don´t be in the Leadership. Conversely, we hope that today's leaders in Europe have to learn of today's unrest to be closer to the democratic process (and not an anti-democratic power elite as the picture appears today).
Knowledge of the various conspiracy theories, politics, religion myths, wars and revolutions are obviously valuable ingredients of a new kind of spirit. Real democracy, following the law of love, based on individual empowerment is the foundation, and may be viewed as an ongoing process (because each new individual that is born is a unique event).
Today's word; greatest among superpowers - powerlessness.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Has a tendency to be a non-profit entrepreneur, sometimes referred to as the driving force, to get involved in community activities. A few hundred ideas are stuck in the wheel, while some have taken hold. It has mostly been non-profit projects, in service hooked one on one and another while as an individual entrepreneur, it has remained only a few sample activities. Some do not fit within the framework and some are little known or have been tested by someone else earlier. Last project I found in a vision that was put down in writing and presented to the sounding board for some 12 years ago. It was then outside the box, but now I found a small amount that might be enforced. Here is an article bringing to the business known.
Here, the driving force supporting the project both in and outside working hours.
Description to a service project to elder customers. (autumn 2010)
Linn, 10 years, interviewing grandfather;

1) How did you come in contact with the veteran pool?
Mats: against Bosse.
2) Was it difficult to get started?
Mats: No, it was not.
3) Does it work well?
Mats: Yes, I think it does.
4) Do you recommend others to start making use of Veterans pool?
Mats: Yes, I think, even those who are not retired.
My name is Bosse (In Swedish quick name for masculine named Bo) and I have been employed at the Veterans pool a few years (a quit new “man power” business for retried). I though the idea was very good, but unfortunately there have not been any assignments for me. But in the fall of 2010 there was happened following.
The country shop in the village would be closed and then my mind went to the Veterans pool and its policies. It would fit perfectly here! A project, that involved an "old enthusiast" like me - the service to get goods from the nearest grocery store home to people.
It was Mats, an old friend, who had to become the first customer.
Veterans pool in Kristianstad took over the closed shop agreement with the municipality, on service assistance to seniors. We arranged payment card so we did not have to handle cash. Mats family arranged to have the order comes to the shop the day before service. Shopping lists are printed in the order in store staff picks the goods, and it is possible to complete the list before the service takes place.
Upon delivery goods Veteran pool supply bags in the store, run the shortest route to customers and leave the bag with your order (including your receipt (which is also the service is paid)).
Can it get better?
Compensation is paid only for the effective time and distance. If you stay an extra hour, for a chat, it's up to each one. Now we have only been at it for two months, but I am feeling how much positive this gives me as a Senior Citizen in retirement. To speak to new and old friends about what has happened and what is happening in the district. The feeling of independence, that no one needs to bear a debt of gratitude because we are manning the business (Veteran pool) as a guarantor of continued activity.
Sure, it might be better!
Customer comments are helping to develop the veteran pool services. We have unlimited time to talk about it, and everybody wants it to be good.
It tends to be good!
Today’s word;
It is good to have fellows, but it is of people who don’t associate we have most to learn.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
In my mind
How do we ourselves, were in the process is the idea itself?
1. Problem is the germ of the new. Highlight the problem!
2. The creative process must take its course, be prepared to wait!
3. Take the idea seriously, catch energy that provides inspiration!
4. Value the idea of different benchmarking, does it works within the framework.
5. Life has its rhythms. To go forwards it required work, working, employment, workmanship and job… inspiration is only a small part.
6. True creativity will find its form, but dare to let go of the "one-man show”!
7. Enjoy the "creation" or whatever it is.
So this views the wheel 20-30 years ago in my mind…..

2. analyze
3. benchmark
4. test out,
continuous improvement and let wheel roll.
5. standardize
6. make known
continuous, improvement and let wheel roll on.
How to implement this process in individual uneducated human and society, it may seem that it is their own problem ... it's just that they will always be close to us. And does this affect me so I influence them ... ... ... .
Today’s word;
Because we live in a time of many questions and no easy answers, and I'm an amateur who usually does something for nothing (as opposed to professionals who often do not do something for nothing) so I ask questions through visions. It is never too late to get a memory for life, and you, no one has survived! But to get to the source, you have to swim against the current.