Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Analysis over the review

                                    tree of Knowledge


How do you define judgment?

Judgment is the necessary living ability to relate to a lot of different information. That information can be theoretical knowledge or a manual knowledge, but it can also be such as own experiences, feelings and moods or sensations. What the judgment succeeds with is to take in all these sources of knowledge and then act on it.   - Our judgment is linked to a trader, but what gives room to trade is that we are always in different situations.   - Right now, has never existed before and therefore I have to act in a special way right now. Of course, I can take advantage of other people's experiences, but I have to make the trade-off myself in the present.   - In that way, the judgment must always be open to an "unknowledge". That the situation you are in is always greater than the knowledge you own.

Can one reflect on judgment without it becoming something magical or unattainable?

- Sometimes we talk about judgment as if it were a characteristic. It is not, judgment is something very concrete. But what makes us perceive it as magical, abstract or incomprehensible is that it cannot be measured or calculated. It is not possible to make an algorithm out of it and in our technician times we have a hard time dealing with it. If we instead try to think more about what life is, and talk more about complexity and what cannot be summed up, we realize that it is the ability of the living, but we are not so good at understanding that we can think something that the computer can´t.



What can happen to the individual, within a team, a group or an organization when you start to reflect on the judgment among the members, their active, elected representatives and employees?

- Today there is a great longing to find and verbalize what cannot be measured. We do measure both in civil society and other sectors. - How can we give attention to what cannot be measured? If we start putting things into words, it will be on the agenda. Therefore, we need to find new words to explain what we are thinking. When standing at a distance, it is easy for the judgment not to be taken into account because there are no objective criteria. - How do we work to develop leaders' professional judgment? As part of the judgment practice, you should use your feelings in a professional way.



What can it mean that there is a usual norm not to mix emotions and the professional?

Subjectivity matters. Without emotions, we do not know what is important. But emotions can also overemphasize something, and thus cause us to stop listening to what we do not already know. The important thing is to have a nuanced relationship to the emotions. It is important to be able to feel an emotion, see it, accept that it exists and then have a distance to it - see what knowledge the feeling carries with it. The game between closeness and distance is necessary to use emotions in a professional way.



What pitfalls are there when talking about judgment?

- The relationship to " unknowledge " is fundamental to good judgment and is a feeling that the world is bigger than me and what I know. For example, when it comes to artificial intelligence, it is important to note that it is something other than human intelligence. But the judgment can benefit enormously from AI, but we cannot hand over the judgment to it, no matter how complex algorithms we write. The important thing is to say two things at once: do not have superstition about AI but do not throw it away either. It is also a tool you can use.


Culture of silence in relation to phrase culture?

Once we have established a value, it does not mean that we do not need to talk about it. These values ​​always risk being taken for granted.

There may be societies where informal channels are good, which can make you go in and break down structures in a society.

The dangerous thing is when we stop talking about the most important things in relation to the concrete work or the concrete situation, the values ​​we establish we need to continue working with.



Utforska sinnet  (www.utforskasinnet.se)  

Litteratur: Om det bortglömda omdömet? Horisonten finns alltid kvar (Volante förlag) av Jonna Bornemark.



Speech is silver, but to be quiet is gold (proverb). But with the right judgment, speech can be a smart “diamond”.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Ability, Scope and Affinity


Working team or group

How do you know where the shoe is pinching and what could be the cause? If any of the three motivational needs are lacking (belonging, competence, independent)?

As the chairman (head of section or committee) of an association, it is easy to feel a little bitter. It can feel as if only you do all the work yourself and that the others do not pull their weight. But instead of whining, it is important to find out why. You can start by asking people if they want to explain a little more why they do not have the opportunity to do more than they do. Not in an accusatory way but with genuine curiosity and empathy. Maybe they say they do not have time and that may be true, but that does not have to be the whole truth. Is it possible to dig a little deeper and see if there are other reasons as well?

The reason may be that the members are not allowed to get involved in their life puzzle, that they are not allowed to work with the issues they are passionate about, that they do not feel part of a well-functioning group or that they are not allowed to participate and decide.


Some concrete tips on things that the association can do to solve the problems. The tips are in various ways linked to the members' need to experience belonging, competence and autonomy.


To get involved in the puzzle of life

That no one has time to get involved anymore is something you often hear when you wonder what challenges an association has. It is true that people in today's society have a lot to push into their schedules. If the non-profit commitment becomes another must, it is easy for this to be prioritized away first.

To get people with a thousand other priorities to get involved, it is important to think smart. You can not conjure away the other pieces of the puzzle, but you can make sure that the piece that the non-profit commitment is easier to get into. For example, it can be about running distance meetings instead of regular meetings sometimes so the members do not have to stress to and from the meeting. Another way is to create clear and delimited information that is easy to say yes or no to. Some may only have one hour a week, but if many do a little each, it will still be a lot done in the end. However, this requires a clear work structure and good coordination. The association can also let potential employees help and support the non-profit in various ways.

These different strategies and approaches fulfill the function of counteracting stress and can thus contribute to satisfying members' need to feel competent. When the frameworks and expectations are clear and when you get the resources you need, it becomes easier to get involved.


To be able to work with what you are passionate about

Many associations are looking for enthusiasts and think that as long as you find some really driven people, everything will work out. This is a fairly simplified approach. In fact, anyone can become a fiery soul as long as they are allowed to work on issues, they are passionate about. In the same way, any fire soul can go out if the heart issues are prioritized down.

It is therefore important to give great freedom in the work and make it easier for everyone to pursue the issues they are passionate about. Some may not really know what they want when they join the association or they do not dare to take it upon themselves. Then those who lead the work need to be curious and find out what these members could contribute and, as often as possible, encourage their initiative. Rather say yes once too much than no once too much.

Here we can see that the need to feel competent is satisfied because those who engage in their heart issues are usually also allowed to do something they are good at, or want to learn. The need for autonomy is also satisfied because the members can choose what they want to get involved in. Then the work becomes more pleasurable and the commitment becomes more long-term.


To be part of a well-functioning group

Well-functioning associations consist of well-functioning groups that thrive together and work well together. This is especially noticeable in groups that do not work so well; groups characterized by infected conflicts or poor work structures.

To create well-functioning groups, it is important to nurture the relationships by making sure to socialize in relaxed ways and get to know each other. Coffee is as important as minutes. The informal interaction connects and creates trust that is needed later when you work under stress and have to make tough decisions. The members of the group also need to talk through how they work, for example who is responsible for what and what is the goal of the work. It is clear that it can take time to spend on such things when you really just want to get started with the work and get things done, but it will pay off in the long run.

Another thing that is important is to be inclusive and open to admitting new members to the community. Tight groups can work well and thrive together, but can also be difficult for outsiders to get into. This entails a risk because the association becomes dependent on individuals and risks being left behind when they, for one reason or another, leave.

It goes without saying that a good group creates good conditions for satisfying the members' belonging needs. But also the need to experience oneself as competent can be satisfied through clear work structures that make the members feel confident that their efforts are really useful.


To be involved and decide

Many who are members of an association want to make their voice heard. If important decisions are made over one's head, it is easy to lose interest. Here, the formal association democracy is an important tool for creating conditions for everyone to be able to make their voices heard. However, this democracy can be perceived as inaccessible and bureaucratic for those who do not love formalities. Here it is up to the board to make democracy accessible and clarify how one can actually make one's voice heard. It is best if the members can exercise influence in everyday life, not just at formal meetings.

Then you also need to be aware of the social status and the informal power structures that exist in all groups. It often happens that a person comes up with a good suggestion without anyone listening. A few minutes later, someone else comes up with the same suggestion and suddenly everyone listens. How is it that? The chairman needs to work to counteract such informal power and ensure that everyone can make their voice heard in practice, regardless of social status. For example, you can start all discussions with a round so that everyone has a say.

When the association has good democratic structures, the members' need for autonomy can be satisfied because they are involved in governing the activities. Their need to feel together is also satisfied when, in the democratic dialogue, they get to know each other and build an equal community.


Finding balance by learning from each other's differences

The people who are to lead an association and get people involved will constantly end up in situations where different values ​​and priorities are set against each other. Freedom is important, but also a clear framework. Too much freedom can lead to delusion that can lower motivation, but too rigid structures can stifle motivation because members are not given any room for maneuver. Each association needs to explore how different needs can be balanced in the current context in order to strengthen the members' commitment.

Such dilemmas and conflicting needs are difficult for an individual chairman to overlook, as well as satisfying everyone's need for a sense of belonging, competence and autonomy. Therefore, it is important that the association has a shared leadership based on dialogue. Through dialogue, different perspectives can be made visible because different people have different experiences and knowledge that all need to be utilized. A shared leadership means that the members make decisions together but also have a shared responsibility and commitment when it comes to implementing the decisions.




Read the link in Swedish: Ideella engagemanget

         Balansen mellan girighet och givmildhet.




Idella              e n g a g e m a n g


     BRA  VÄLFÄRD            otvunget

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Non-profit commitment to a democracy

Good continuation of the year 2022   💚💟💙💛

It is happiness that is in focus, not to get rich

To gather around an idea and work together; volunteering. Volunteer = to be able to choose to get involved yourself. An active and dedicated person who shows enthusiasm for something non-profit; entrepreneur, inspirer, brainstormer, committed pusher = what we call fiery soul.

   Every cloud has a silver lining

- There is a brightening in every sorrow; behind every cloud the sun looks ahead.

How to be inspired to be more active in the association, what causes some to have a "bleeding tooth"? How do we meet members who are "fire and flames"? How do we keep the steam going? Talk to farmers in the farmers' way and with the scholars in Latin. Speak clearly.

  ??    some people make a lot too little money

 while a consultant makes a little too much money  ? ? 


"-Greedy-Jo sometimes has discussions with Handsome-Jo, and They does not always win."

Timbuktu sings;

Everyone wants to go to heaven, but few want to die

You want to comb the winnings, but do not sow any seeds

You want your piece of cake, you want to eat it also

People want to take back, but refuse to give

Is money the driving force rather than the mission, compared to the corporate world?

- Some people only have money as a driving force. But there must be a management that wants to build the company and its future. And compensate for it in a competitive way. If only money is their driving force, we will find warning signs fairly quickly.


Short term, long term. Greed. A few who get very rich. Does it matter to the rest of us? Expressed as follows in the corporate world:  - When the owners demand such a fast and high return, it leads to reduced investments. Because if the companies choose to invest, there will be less money left over to distribute.

The profit demands have become a cuckoo king who starves out of everything else. With declining investment, the economy stops, unemployment takes hold. That is why both the Minister of Finance and many economists are concerned: how should we increase investment and reduce unemployment?

Association activities then? Subsidies, fees, activities, tax-free, etc. The medicines that are tried are many, although there may be a much simpler way: That boards make more reasonable demands on returns. That they use the profits for investments. Note the risks of excessive self-interest.

- We have a climate today, a bonus-oriented society, where we choose people who are driven by their own wallet. Then we also do not get leads that can think in larger terms than that; to think about?

Volunteer, fiery soul, Non-profit, Passionate, committed…

The non-profit involvement is a association's most important resource, but at the same time a resource that is constantly lacking in many associations. To manage this resource, we need to know how it works. What is it that makes people get involved non-profit from the beginning? What makes some stay year after year while others drop out? And what can leadership do to strengthen engagement?

A leadership for inner motivation, also linked to personal leadership.

In a workplace, the manager can influence the employee's salary to make them work harder. A chairman of a non-profit association seldom has such opportunities and instead needs to find ways to strengthen the members' inner motivation.

According to a theory of self-determination, there are three basic psychological needs that need to be satisfied for a strong motivation to be maintained over time; to experience belonging, competence and independence. What are these three needs and what can happen if they are not met?

The need for belonging is about having meaningful and supportive relationships in the group, both on the board and in the business itself. Lack of belonging can be caused, for example, by personal conflicts or by the members not feeling that they have anything in common. Then you prefer to look for other contexts.

The need for competence is about feeling that you have the knowledge and resources required to contribute to the association's work, or that you can develop and learn. This can range from being a skilled football coach to mastering an accounting program. Lack of sense of competence means that the work feels difficult or unmanageable, which leads to stress and discomfort.

The need for autonomy (to feel independent) is about being able to manage one's work based on one's personal commitment; to work with the issues you want in the way you feel comfortable with. Lack of autonomy means feeling controlled and trapped, for example when you have taken on a task just because the chairman has bothered so much.

If these three needs are met, the individual can develop a long-term intrinsic motivation that is maintained without external rewards, something that is exactly what is required in non-profit work. Here it may be worth noting that it is the individual's experience that affects the motivation, not how much others think the needs should be satisfied. If any of the needs are unsatisfied, there is a risk that the commitment falls and that the individual withdraws, in the worst case drops out. The way in which the work is organized is crucial for the individual to have their needs met. It is therefore important to examine the culture and working methods that exist in the association and, if necessary, change what does not work so well.


