Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Lev(a)iS. Living in present as a familydog in Sweden


- have the meaning; "Leva i Sverige; Levis lever i nuet" translated "living in Sweden. Levis live in the moment". Levis live as a family dog in the south of Sweden. And that the dog lives in the present is perhaps something we humans would also have to learn more of.

Pictures of Levis activities is from May to December 2015

Life with the dog Levis and his friends ... ..

Contact and “fosterage”: He is a happy dog and has a happy leader who never gets fully trained. And "it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks" - as true as it is said. Who said that it should be easy to live?
You notice that the more you work with the dog, the more inclined contact becomes. It is both helpful and friendly when the dog often seeks eye contact. So, let the dog "asking permission with your eyes"; when it should be out on the search, when it shall eat, or out of the car ....
Levis, as well as have a feeling that I think of him when I write down notes; will continue to note the different training situations that may have occurred since 1 year old and until today. In this way it will be a good reminder for me to update the exercises, intermittent reception. Hope that Olivia can shoot and edit pictures to the various sections.



Something to work on; dog training from the age of 1 year and a lifetime . . . . . . . .
New or replacement of command; words and command do not play the largest role even if he could distinguish certain words. What is essential is the tone of voice and what he should do when he hears your command in a certain way.
A major challenge is to get new or change of command; word of command, do not play the largest role even if he could distinguish certain words after a few repetitions. What is essential is the tone of voice and what he should do when he hears your command in a certain way. A major challenge is to get Lewis to stay when he shrugs off after a cat! Here it become the brightest "No" that may be applied ............ .. Just as it was at Christmas baking; a baking pan fell to the floor, and suddenly was Levi's there to eat it - NO !! (had been veterinary visit to get it out).

Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Family dog education; dressage, leadership and training.

In present ….and the dressage over time.


Levis were resettled in four years of age, and it has gone well

Hen (intergender) is focused on the present moment with embedded memory of what happened earlier in life. What happened before or what will happen, do not interfere in the present. Hen has low or high mental activity, depending on the situation that is supple, hungry and affectionate.

(Unlike human friends who may be lazy, greedy and wicked. Everyone has the foundation to love and be loved, but for some individuals it traces out more or less. The ability to be in the moment is a rare luxury, in these times).

Hen has an ability to live fully in everyday life, living in the present, but to look back and brood over the past; it is inserted in the memory. Hen automatically makes for interpretation of what happened when it occurs. In this lifestyle cannot accommodate any worry, it just is what it is. And what should happen does not exist.

Astrid och Levis sleeping place   

 Family dog ​​Levis and indoor rules

Staying with the family indoors can have their problems, big and small. - "Levis, leave it there" with the voice that means "on what sweet you are, you cannot do like that" is used quite often indoors, perhaps not for spoiling the good mood.  And that teaches the dogs differentiate, yes even the words. It is confirmation Levis wants when he is on the way up on the sofa to sitting there; last week, when I started writing this blog, he has come up with its nose on my legs, put his front legs in the knee and waited for a hug. Then he got a bit of hugging, he returned to his resting place.
  There is activity Levi's wants when he with a roguish gaze steals a sock or pen. If he does not get attention he starts chewing on the subject. The family set the limit ... ..

The foodthief Levis was active the first two months when he was allowed to move freely indoors. He steals the sandwich on the table and the bread slices on cutting board, which meant that he had gluten in it. And after a few hours he was itching. "The cup ran over" when he steals a chicken fillet, devoured the lot and got it up again. It was the kitchen ban; hard command "No" at 4-6 times and he does not go into the kitchen region! Sure, he can forget himself some time when he will have confirmation. But with caution he turn back.

Rest periods are important, and the best rest periods may Levis have when he is alone at home in a 3-4 hours during the day, and so 8 hours of rest as he lies on the mattress beside the flock leader. Flock leader is the one who has confirmed, activated and brought Levis food in the last day, so it may differ. When he is alone he is resting and not looking for activity or acknowledgment. When the leader is nearby, he is by his side most of the time; however, he may be on his place in 30 minutes now and then.

Levis is safe with most of what I do, and that means I can vacuum up dog hairs in the front  of him, unlike last dog, who ran and hid when I took out the vacuum cleaner (any assault from the puppy stage, probably). And if it appears somewhat insecure, in everyday life, it is important to correct it as soon as possible.

/ Bosse

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Levis mental decription

    Mental description

- The dog raises his shag and does some occasional muffled barking when something surprising happened. But then it's just fun to greet strangers and dogs. He has thus fairly large strength to act (courage and ability to overcome fear). If he will be gracious welcome, he would like to make a hug bite on the wrist. And if it becomes more encouragement he will be happy hope and slick in the face, dogfriends occur in his own way.

Fight desire is always in play and has never turned into aggressive action (so far on). Availability of meeting other than the flock is large, the fighting force abated immediately as spectators missing. 

Chasing a cat or a deer is sufficient at most by 100 meters, no follow chasing. Initially however, as it is with most dogs, when they need it too much closed the hearing by. So a bit of hunting remains, however, there are no trends to watch the prey or food, that is to say that Levis lack of defense desire (so far coming here in hen doglife).

Quite so low sharpness (do not react aggressively in threat situations). But sometimes he seems to be a pretty tough dog also (rarely hesitates after an unpleasant event - perhaps, have not had many unpleasant events?). A good scolding seems however do have a short term effect, but he seems to feel ashamed. He seems to endure shots and fireworks.

Interest in food takes away some of the ability to concentrate, but it is well in the breed's nature. Cooking smells are an annoyance that only the surroundings have problem with. Otherwise, he felt like a very nice, beautiful and stable dog.

Need to practice in “remain at place”. He will be able to stay unleashed and to feel safe when I'm not on his side; difficult, because it is the freedom to sniff around pulling. But it is only consistent practice in place. Security he has, but the leader is creative in nature and have been difficult to be consistent - improvement needed!

Something wrong has been done in the dressage (maybe something wrong with the timing between praise and correction). Insufficient pressure on him and the absoluteness of the different elements has made some uncertainty when it is right or wrong. Problems that might be correct, but it's hard to teach an old dog sit down.

Do not be hard on him after the recall; it is better to take time for training with the stop command. Hiding is a great way to keep the herd feeling; hiding at a distance, 10 seconds and then should you be sought ... .. (but I have to wait until the apple is eaten up, have to practice more on permission to eat!). Walk or run from the dog ….  Patience!

Walking in town  ………

  Today we went to do some errands in town Kristianstad. In the little village Vaanga we were stopped for a police check. Driving license Control and alcohol test. The dog was belted so there was no need for fine. I welcomed the police to the village.           Later we turned off and onto a forest road and we practiced search few times.           The car has become the best place to relax in for Levis. So when I took a cup of coffee at Sotnosens Wiener Cafe at Karsta road, he rested.                 
  And so we took a walk on the city streets. Many odors attracted and there were also some big jump towards other dogs, however, not an exercise in "No"; take it easy.   Perhaps a lesson at the dog club in the spring, or what is better, for a few hours walking with other dogs.

 He is a very nice family dog; a big thanks to Camilla with family!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Levis and dog stress


Notes about how Levi's has become the nice buddy he is - "man's best friend".
 My goal is to increasing mental stimulation, such as retrieving and tracking training. Maybe it sticks slightly during the processing of these notes.

In a combination of moods and different demands of Levis we have with praise, motivation and rewards, and sometimes unconditional demands, got him to accept his place in the human herd. There is also an ongoing process since we humans have been so hard to live in the present. But with more interaction with the dog, maybe we can get better at it, when we need it (To constantly live in the present belongs not to a modern human although there may be a dream).

Trust and confidence generates success, brutality creates fear and degradation!

Comment to what one can see tendencies of most dogs, even at peaceful Levis.
Stress reduction list, if the cause is not related to the breeding and reproduction. (Maybe something to follow up).

Stress is always a symptom not a cause. Find out why your dog is stressed and change it in the first place, and then you can work on the symptoms - stress!
• Remove the cause of stress, such as pain / illness, leash-jerking, excessive demands of obedience, for many dog ​​meetings, too much fighting and hunting games and more.
• Keep the distance the dog needs to what creates stress (example other dogs)
• Increase the number of meals; divide the amount of food on several occasions. Up to five times is quite ok!
• Provide a lot to chew on: bones, marrow-bone and the like. Chewing has a calming, relaxing effect.
• Leash Training is super important for a stressed dog; walks will be pleasant for the dog and owner. Focus on this in the first place, otherwise leash walks becomes one long stress development.
• Remove any swab and ball-throwing. Play quiet games, for example, find hidden toys or candy.
• Reward quiet. Remove punishments as much as possible; avoid the situations you have to punish the dog instead.
• Proper rest periods between activities. (Minimum 4 hours)
• Remove nagging; focus on a few points that are important and take them first. Do not train a hundred things at once and then punish the dog cannot. Focus on leash training, passivity. Add on other training when the dog can these pieces. Start practicing in calm environment at home.
• Smell exercises! A dog cannot use the nose and rush at the same time. Add simple hot dog tracks, search candy in the tall grass. Give the food thrown across the floor or lawn so the dog will "work" for it.
•Massage; rub your dog calm and methodical. The body then produces its own pleasure hormone called endorphins and the dog feel better and come into the turns.

Patience! Remember all training is exhausting for the dog, especially a stressed dog! Run short sessions and stop when it goes best! Do not request more and more all the time, content with small successes every day!

And, an event from the diary


My "dog memory" showed today; At Fidos Shed we cut the claws of Levis, and precisely in this place I stood about 30 years ago and oversaw one driving practice for soldiers. Today, there are houses and a dog trim at this place.               Ten tractors and future tractordriver practiced driving techniques on the field before me. And suddenly there came a colleague’s Border collie running in the field. During a half-hour made these dog valiant attempts to round up the tractor flock to lead it to the parking place. It did not succeed, but it's a nice memory of a dog that lived in the present.

/ Bosse

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dogs' Rights (Swedish and English)

This article is about Dogs' Rights (Swedish and English)

Hundens rättigheter
Rätt till förståelse och ledning
Jag tillhör en annan art än du. Du måste lära dig och förstå mina regler för jag lever efter dem, inte efter dina.
The dog's rights
Right to understanding and management
I belong to a different species than you. You must learn and understand the rules I live by.

Rätt till mat och vatten
Låt mig alltid ha friskt vatten och få regelbundna måltider. Det är ett villkor för att jag ska må bra.
The right to food and water
Allow me to always have access to fresh water and get to regular meals. It is a precondition for me to feel good.

Rätt till skydd
Du är min ledare och min beskyddare. Utsätt mig inte för risker. Skydda mig mot sådant som är farligt och skrämmande. Låt inte någon tvinga sig på mig. Låt inte barn leka med mig utan uppsikt.
Right for protection
You are my leader and my protector. Protect me against anything that is dangerous and frightening. Do not allow anyone to force himself on me. Do not allow children to play with me unattended.

Rätt till motion
Jag behöver motion ett par timmar varje dag för att må bra. 

The right for exercise.
I need exercise a few hours each day.

Rätt att inte bli misshandlad
En aggressiv handling från dig gör mig rädd och osäker.

Right to not be beaten
Any aggressive action from you makes me afraid and uncertain.

Rätt till vänlig behandling
Du kan inte be mig om ursäkt om du brustit i ditt humör. Sådant förstår jag inte. Är du irriterad, låt det inte gå ut över mig. Det är din vänlighet som är grunden för min lycka.

Kind treatment
You cannot apologize to me if you lose your temper; if you are irritated, do not let it out on me. Your kindness is the foundation of my happiness.

Rätt till sällskap
Jag är ju ett flockdjur, och sällskap är viktigt för mig. Måste du lämna mig, så låt det inte bli mer än totalt fem timmar på en dag.

Right to companionship
I'm a pack animal, so companionship is important to me. If you must leave me alone, let it not be more than five hours in a day.

Rätt till veterinärvård
Om jag blir sjuk eller skadad måste du ta mig till veterinär. Jag har rätt till vård.

Right to veterinary care
If I become sick or injured, you have to take me to the vet. I have a right to healthcare.

Rätt till omsorg
Ingen har mått dåligt av för mycket omsorg och kärlek. Däremot brist av det. Låt mig få märka att du bryr dig om mig och att du tycker om mig.

Right to care
No one falls ill from too much care and love. However, lack of it my make me sick. Let me see that you care about me and that you love me.

Rätt till skydd från värme och kyla
Jag är känsligare än du för värme. Blir jag nedkyld kan jag bli sjuk. Bind mig inte ute eller låt mig vara ensam i bilen när det är varmt eller kallt.

The right to protection from heat and cold
I am more sensitive than you to heat. If I get too cold can I fall ill. Do not bind me outside or let me be alone in the car when it is hot or cold.

Rätt att slippa tvång
Tvinga mig inte att prestera över min förmåga. Lyder jag inte, så förstår jag kanske inte vad du vill.
Förutsätt inte att jag trotsar.

Freedom from forced
Do not force me to perform above my ability. I cannot read, I may not understand what you want. Do not assume that I misbehave on purpose out of spite.

Rätt till egenkontroll
Låt vår relation vara ömsesidig. Låt mig få ge uttryck för min vilja också. Jag vill inte passivt bli beordrad. Jag vill känna lite kontroll över min situation.

Right to control of my life
Let our relationship be mutual. Let me express my will too. I want to feel some control over my situation.

Rätt till utbildning
Jag behöver gå i skola. Jag måste få lära mig alla olika regler som gäller för att kunna passa in i ditt samhälle och i din familj.

Right to education
I need to go to school. I need to learn the rules needed to fit in your community and in your family.

Rätt att slippa lida
En dag blir jag gammal. Mitt liv är mycket kortare än ditt. Men låt mig inte lida. Mitt liv vilar i dina händer. 

The right not to suffer

One day I'll be old. My life is much shorter than yours. My life is in your hands. Do not let me suffer.

Lagen säger att;
Hunden ska skyddas mot onödigt lidande och sjukdom och ges tillräckligt med foder, vatten och tillsyn. Om ett djur är sjukt, skadat eller på något annat sätt genom sitt beteende visar tecken på ohälsa ska det (snarast) ges nödvändig vård, vid behov av veterinär.
Hunden får inte vara utan tillsyn mer än högst 6 timmar.
Hunden ska hållas under sådan tillsyn att de inte orsakar skada eller avsevärd olägenhet. Det innebär att det är din skyldighet som hundägare/ hundhållare att vidta de åtgärder som krävs för att förebygga att något händer. Vet du med dig att din hund bitit andra hundar och/eller människor ska hunden förses med munkorg på allmän plats.
Hundar ska vara märkta och registrerade.
Vidare ska hundar hållas kopplade inom områden som ej utgör hundrastområde/ hundrastgård. Att inte hålla hunden kopplad utanför hundrastområde/hundrastgård kan därmed vara ett brott (straffsanktionen finns i de lokala ordningsföreskrifterna för respektive kommun). I lagen om tillsyn över hundar står bland annat att under tiden den 1 mars till 20 augusti ska hundar hållas under sådan tillsyn att de hindras från att löpa lös i marker där det finns vilt. Detta innebär inte automatiskt att hunden måste vara kopplad men den måste stå under sådan lydnad som om den vore kopplad. Rent generellt får en hund aldrig, även om inte koppeltvång föreligger, springa lös okontrollerat.
I vissa områden råder alltid koppeltvång och på vissa platser totalt hundförbud. Koppeltvång gäller alltid i naturreservat oavsett hur bra lydnad du har på din hund. Hundförbud gäller till exempel på lekplatser, många kyrkogårdar samt på allmän badplats.

The law says;
- The dog should be protected from unnecessary suffering and disease and have enough fodder, water and care. If an animal is sick, injured or otherwise through their behavior shows signs of illness, will it earliest given the necessary care, if necessary, by a veterinarian.
- The dog must not be unattended for more than a maximum of 6 hours.
- The dog should be kept under oversight so that it not causes damage or considerable detriment. This means that it is your responsibility as dog owners / dog holder to take the steps necessary to prevent something happening. Do you know that your dog biting other dogs and / or humans, the dog must be muzzled in public!
- Dogs must be marked and registered.
- Moreover, dogs must be kept on leash in areas that are not dog exercise area / Dog Park. To not keep the dog on a leash, outside the dog exercise area / dog park, can thus be a crime (criminal sanction available in the local order of rules for each municipality). In the Law on supervision of dogs are, among other things, that during the period from 1 March to 20 August, dogs must be kept under oversight to prevent them from running loose in the land where there is wildlife. This does not automatically mean that the dog must be leashed but it must be under such obedience as if it were linked. In general, a dog has never to be, even if not on a leash coercion exists, run around unchecked.

In some areas there is always leash coercion and in some places a total dog prohibition. Leash coercion always applies in the nature reserve, no matter how good obedience you have on your dog. Dog prohibition applies for example in playgrounds, many cemeteries and on the public beach.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Levis description

                                                                  Flock leader's notes:
The dog is a social, cheerful, kind character and friendly and spontaneous in contact with other dogs and people. He is an intelligent, affectionate and responsive friend. He is strongly built, compact and highly mobile, with broad skull, broad and deep chest and broad and strong loin and strong hind legs. Height 57 cm, weight about 34 - 44 kg. However, may he behave very clumsy at times; treading one on foot or running on children?
The coat is short and dense without waves and feels hard to the touch, the flesh is water resistant. The tail is very thick at the base and tapering gradually towards the tip. The color is yellow cream in a darker mottled shade.
The dog is a Labrador retriever, born in 2011. With the castration has the innate natural symptom of stress (see comment) disappeared and performs with excitement only initially in contact with other dogs (and of course at feeding, gluttons who he is). He has become something of intergender? He is a family dog ​​with history roots that makes itself felt in everyday life. He wants to carry on something soft and waving usually on its big tail.
Labrador dogs probably come from Canada, where fishermen used it to swim ashore with the mooring ropes to the boats. The breed came to England in the early 1800s. There it was crossed with other retriever breeds and became popular as a retriever for small game hunting. It got its name by the English Kennel Club 1903rd
Smell, hearing, sight, taste and touch are used for the needs of the moment. The soul is used to intuitions rather than democracy and other rights, as his human friends. The ability to adapt to the leader does, and to predict what he will do, varies; it depends on how mindful the leader is. Second to the knowing leader, the food comes. Game and hunting are also fun if the leader is nearby.

Comments to "innate natural symptom of stress".
The castration of male dogs
The most common reasons for castration of male dogs in Sweden are to make them infertile, for medical reasons or for getting rid of unwanted behaviors (Levis have succeeded with undesirable behavior, if one compare with other male dogs).
It is not unusual that the castrated male being bullied by other dogs. It seems that the other dogs cannot identify the castrated dog sex which can make them confused. He has become something of a intergender. Some other dogs may react with aggression, insecurity or riding (has been no evidence of this).
The behavior in males which may be affected by castration, are they who are sexually connected. There are few studies on the effectiveness of castration (which seems to be true, if you know).
1. Aggression between males (competition for females).
2. Roaming (roam around and smell / look for females and rival males).
3. Escaping to look for females.
4. Sexually riding.
5. Stress on the basis of sexual operation has decreased in the neuter.

Levis castration has given successful results, we believe!

Today we practiced “search” in the woods.  Really psyched he sat there on the command "stay". 5 minutes later I put out a jar with candy scents.   
 “Stay”, I said to him, and gave the command "search" when I was in photo position.      He found the bottle after 2 minutes smelling.  
 We repeated this exercise two more times before we were home again. 
Then he wanted to stay out there, and I said “stay” to him in the back seat.
 Here he usually wants to be an hour while I tinkering in the garden.
 I went in to write the day's events, and after 10 minutes barked Levis and wanted to come in to me.