- have the meaning; "Leva i Sverige; Levis lever i nuet" translated "living in Sweden. Levis live in the moment". Levis live as a family dog in the south of Sweden. And that the dog lives in the present is perhaps something we humans would also have to learn more of.
Pictures of
Levis activities is from May to December 2015

Life with the dog Levis and his friends ... ..
Contact and
“fosterage”: He is a happy dog and has a happy leader who never gets fully
trained. And "it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks" - as true as
it is said. Who said that it should be easy to live?
You notice
that the more you work with the dog, the more inclined contact becomes. It is
both helpful and friendly when the dog often seeks eye contact. So, let the dog
"asking permission with your eyes"; when it should be out on the
search, when it shall eat, or out of the car ....
Levis, as
well as have a feeling that I think of him when I write down notes; will
continue to note the different training situations that may have occurred since
1 year old and until today. In this way it will be a good reminder for me to
update the exercises, intermittent reception. Hope that Olivia can shoot and
edit pictures to the various sections.
Something to work on; dog training from the age of 1 year and a lifetime . . . . . . . .
New or
replacement of command; words and command do not play the largest role even if
he could distinguish certain words. What is essential is the tone of voice and
what he should do when he hears your command in a certain way.
A major
challenge is to get new or change of command; word of command, do not play the
largest role even if he could distinguish certain words after a few
repetitions. What is essential is the tone of voice and what he should do
when he hears your command in a certain way. A major challenge is to get
Lewis to stay when he shrugs off after a cat! Here it become the brightest
"No" that may be applied ............ .. Just as it was at Christmas
baking; a baking pan fell to the floor, and suddenly was Levi's there to eat it
- NO !! (had been veterinary visit to get it out).