Sunday, April 16, 2017

Human, politics and religion's current significance for evil!

What can we do about it? Just  a number of notes as discussions topic!

The human is, more or less, manipulated from birth and unheard of habit. No one is born evil or good because we are formed with the help of our own and others. Manipulation is something most people do, consciously or unconsciously. The child who praises their parents for something before asking the question they know there is a risk of a no. Man / woman who seduces his counterpart. Manipulation is a way to try and get through his will. Like anything else, it may be for a good cause or for a bad purpose.
Religion naturally manipulates society, and the individual human being, it lies in the nature of the matter.
Democracy is a constant change for the will to live in a more open and peaceful society. Freedom in democracy has its limitations in everything that counteracts security.

The evil!
The concepts of evil and good can have a theological sound. It occurs in virtually all religions around the world. A simple definition of evil is simply the opposite of, or the absence of, kindness. Evil can also be seen as contrary to the general moral beliefs. The struggle between evil and good is also ongoing in every single human being.
Philosophically there is the demonic evil, which makes it evil because it is evil; for example in horror stories. And then there's the instrumental evil when hurting to achieve something better. Another type is the idealistic evil when you make the evil belief that it is good; Such as extremists, guided by beautiful dreams. And then we have that stupid evil when behaving without thinking about the act is evil or good.
Within psychology there is no clinical term called evil. Our whole society is full of authorities that we follow more or less consciously. What as is harmful, viciously, right or wrong, comes initially in the background; For example, when you go to a doctor and the doctor tells us to take a medicine we will do it, though we may not understand what the medicine does.
We can all end up in a "temporary evil", a radical situation where normal rules of human intercourse are put out of play, and then one can also carry out terrible acts. Such a situation can mean much more than personality and character. Democracy and the wording of human rights is the constant goal of building a society where people simply do not face these situations.
What to do?
The most important thing is to continue the long-term work all over the world to ensure that all people live in democracy and security. Extremism is cultivated where human rights are violated. Should we prevent more deeds, it is by preventing what causes extremism. Only those who are not afraid of their own lives, do not believe in any future, can commit such actions.
Increased respect in society for each other no matter what situation you are in: "Be against others who you want them to be against you".
Increased collaboration and opinion formation from the Communities and the religious leaders makes people in work, and people without work, with confidence in the future.
Education, a general level of education and democracy are the pillars for long-term work.
Always reduce the conflicts and the poverty that is the root cause of terrorism. A more unbiased review of social media; explain which lies behind the dissemination of facts that are destined to destabilize Sweden.
An effective UN! Otherwise, we will develop a new organization, the Federation of Democrats. And NATO will have a new role, perhaps more like the "controller" of a company.

As society calls for more police force, we should also call for more spiritual leaders to prevent radicalization! A society striving for democracy, human rights and openness, it must also shine through the spiritual life area!


  1. All of us who live in Sweden have the intentions to be met with respect and realize that changes and go in depth will take time.
    We all (including also all of residency) has a responsibility to help build the country. Coexistence is absolutely necessary to create development and a positive community based on the population of Sweden is actually today, not from a nostalgic flashback.
    Initiate projects to provide women with training in Swedish, in addition to the SFI; placing education to schools, local collection sites or at home.
    Start also courses in other subjects and makes them free for women, such as in economics, social studies, Swedish history and women's history.
    Start more cooperative of women in the neighborhood. Men must take a much greater responsibility and start bidding with respect to the integration of newly arrived men. Even men need to learn about equality, social studies and Swedish history.

  2. The dog's rights are about how we humans should relate to the animal "The Dog"; According to written rules based on mental, ethical, physical, family, economic and social living circumstances in a civilized society. These rules (laws) are a matter of course for "normal" custom societies and living conditions. But what's normal for some of us can be abnormal to some others.
