Monday, August 5, 2013

Working for living

Ten years ago I had a dialogue with a certain lady in Jagodina, Serbia. She insisted that she refused to abide in a culture where you have to live for work. The way to "live" inhibits culture, in every sense of importance to be able to live out. Therefore, she could not imagine settling in northern Europe. It complains, in a vague sense of existence, the Swedes live to work, while the Serbs are working to live. This is a misunderstanding and an escape from reality; i get clear to me many years later. If one gets into sentences clears this misunderstanding.
Is this really a cultural difference? Do you wish to develop?
This suggestion desires a deeper dialogue on the subject!
Culture: Those customary beliefs, values, and social constraints that ethnic, religious, and social groups transmit fairly unchanged from generation to generation. It has taken a lifetime to change, at least the 19:th century. A lifetime is including three generations before and three after you! The fast globalizing will change this, in the civilised part at least.

Physically working Swedes, anyway the group with income from salary, much less than most Europeans. It can certainly debate at various levels (but why is it only those who work for a salary who have the time to commit to practice in the community?).
The Serbs are basically a very industrious people, so even if they do not live to work, they live by the work and the chore they do. Serbs have also a number of code words to himself in order to avoid conflict with himself, with others and life in general. It refers to the entertainment and the game, instead of complaining about the heavy workload, as the Swede gladly prepares. The Serbian life Serbian entertainment helps to see the difficulties of life, a very good way to avoid confrontation with the life that is difficult. The easiest way to complain about life is to refer to other people's faults and mistakes, to go into himself avoided forever. Shoulder pressure is an explicit body language for this setting, as well as the reference to blame the small capital. What happens when you get the "allowance" in his hand - a shrug and planning for its use hiding behind the game? And game and entertainment takes over all sound thinking on the organization and cooperation. Healthy thinking for Serbian is not to confront himself without constantly involved in life entertainment.

Constantly complaining about the heavy workload is the Swede's way to escape from life's real self. How many times have I had to lie that I have so much to do, just to be able to give the correct code words for dialogue. That is the big problem in Sweden, which no one has time for it has "too much to do"! We live, but live not always life, and hide us from problems in that way.


  1. Bosse, I read this and totally agree with you about Serbian culture and Serbs. This could help me to evolve the way of thinking about many aspects of life and work.

    This is translation into Serbian language:

    1. And this can be the authors word to start with
      The Acacia whispers “work for living”
      acacia hunch openness
      The Acacia whispers also to a foreigner; there is life outside who wish participation for us to live together in a common world. And when I visiting Serbia, the Acacia has whispered different solutions to problems. On an open manner, in a language I understand the specifics of, a dialect of English with elements of Serbian and Swedish that I can take to me, summarize and respond to with creative solutions.

  2. And isolation from Europe seems to continue .......
