Monday, February 25, 2013

Welfare, what is it? And what to do!

 Intolerant nationalism and dislike of foreigners leads to world-distancing. In a society where a few create their wealth while the majority of the population careless works in sweat and drudgery for a basis living form, is a ground of clan formations. To continually build new and positively develop welfare needs immigrants. In order for something to become better, it must also have been worse. And in a society like Sweden, where most of inhabits inactively watching developments, needed a virtual war and chaos (a traditional war does not exist in reality). Sure, the media point to disregarding, poverty and misery, but these headers creates no solidarity. The explanation may be to open up society for integration. Continue and develop the structure with the help of world citizens. Simplify what our culture believes in human rights and how we live up to this. Simplify the responsibilities of each individual in an open society. Educate also in human responsibilities.  Simplify that a democracy, preferably with new concepts, never completes its goal - a democracy is an ongoing process of everyone in the municipal involved behaviors.
It's about values. Challenging traditional gender roles, also on a personal level. To achieve integration must we also challenge integrity without tyrannical neighbor.  In the family tries too often both parties meet the other's expectations. When women shoulder the responsibility for home and family the habit surfaced with careers at two speeds. It is a challenge to both care for the freedom to decide what is best for their own family and to be beating ram in the fight for likeness.
One and the same education and opportunity for all to follow his own star has made Sweden rich and the equal welfare state it is, and the process must continue. There are good reasons for constant development. Reflect boilers are reported and developed by the media, creating chaos for supporter of independence and other clan leaders. It is a challenge for widespread thinking people to debate. And above all show, to the outside world, that it is possible to live together without war (Sweden has not had wars in over 200 years). Sure it is picked up very nasty on going behind the power ported, but that's how it should be. Decay is found in most forms of organisms, and there is decay in all organizations.
A constant mindfulness of the wholeness, where those who can remain a part of a community, will creating a participating where everyone wants to be a part of continuous development. With an openness and tolerance, we also can maintain welfare.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Oh, excuse me so much

We have all felt the wrath and hatred when someone made ​​us hurt or betrayed us deeply. The desire for revenge, anger and hatred for the person who hurt is so strong that it touches one deeply.
Anger and hatred are large energy thieves. Just carry around a big hate can be heavy, and you can feel yourself how groaning under the burden. Revenge and anger makes you feel lousy ... it, then, of how one feels. And then it is important to forgive to have peace inside in one´s own life. It's so easy to let the hatred and bitterness take root so you will not progress in life. - It's not about yourself, in any way justified what the other did. You can still find it wrong. Forgiveness is not for the other's sake, instead it is for one´s own sake; in order to feel good and be whole.
So how do you forgive? - First and foremost, it is important to realize that forgiveness is a choice you make, not what you are feeling. That feeling is in fact often the desire to beat the betrayed on the jaw, not forgive. So you must decide that you want to forgive, and to wish prosperity instead of cursing. Although it feels more like lip service at first, then you start to mean it in the end, and then you have peace within. - But should you forgive at all times? Are not some things unforgivable? '... Forgiveness is not a feeling, it is a choice. You must choose to forgive no matter how you feel "..... Live well!
Do not throw away tears on old grieve?